Grade 5 Community News

Grade 5 is awesome! The students (and teachers) have started the year off very well. It is terrific seeing our amazing students showing our school values every day. It was so great to see so many families at Meet and Greet. It's such an important relationship to form early on so that we get to know you as a family and support the needs of your child?
Literature Circles
Students in year 5 are starting to slowly experience literature circles and the wonderful discussions that can be developed around the shared reading and discussion of a text. Students are experimenting with the differing roles of a literature circle such as discussion director, connector, word wizard, summariser and illustrator.
Reading Reconsidered
The Wild Robot is our serial text for term 1. In our Reading Reconsidered lessons, students have been discussing the language features and character descriptions in the text. In the coming weeks we will be focusing on themes such as kindness, acceptance, family is what you make it and biodiversity being just a few touched on in this rich story.
In writing, we have been unpacking what makes The Wild Robot such a successful narrative. We have been using our ‘Knowledge Organiser’ below to study and practice the sentences, descriptions and writing techniques the author Peter Brown uses so that we can try and replicate this in our narrative writing.
Every week we learn 5 new words. These words begin usually as unknown or partially known words. By the end of the week we can read them, say what they mean and give an antonym (opposite) and synonym (word with similar meaning) for each one. Our goal is to be able to use each of our vocabulary words in a sentence to show we understand each word.
In Maths, understanding place value is currently our focus. Students are learning to read, expand and understand the value of numerals within a number. We have been creating our own numbers by rolling dice and versing each other in fun games like Place Value Wars. Students have also been asked to apply their knowledge of numbers to solve problems. We had to use a lot of logic and reasoning to find the answers!
- In Term 1, students need to be wearing a TRPS school hat during recess and lunchtimes.
- Student Journals have now been sent home, it is an expectation that all students are reading regularly throughout the week and recording this in their journals.