Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 students and families, 


Over the last two weeks our students have been busy continuing with our Learning to Learn program and adjusting to their new teachers and classrooms. We have been learning the following:


Reading- We have started our first Read to Learn unit about Ancient India. We have loved seeing how excited our students are during this unit and connecting what they have previously learnt or know about this topic to their learning! 


Writing- We have been exploring the Taj Mahal and learning to put adjectives and conjunctions into our writing to make it more interesting.


Maths- We have been practicing our skip counting of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. 


It was so lovely to meet with our families at yesterday’s Meet and Greets and have the time to share with our families how the students have been going. If you couldn’t make Meet and Greet please feel free to speak with your child’s teacher as we would love to have the time to get to know all our families!


 A few reminders: 

• It is important that students are at school and on time every day, so they are not missing out on valuable learning time. 

• During Term 1 and Term 4, students must wear their hats when outside in the playground. Please make sure your child has a TRPS Bucket Hat, with their name clearly labelled. 

• Students are encouraged to have a fruit break during the school day. Please bring along some cut up fruit or vegetables in a small container, separate to a lunchbox that can be placed on top of your child’s desk. 

• Please also ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school each day, filled with fresh water. 

• Students will start the process of bringing home books as part of the home reading program. We ask that your child brings their reading satchel to school on their designated day, so they can change their books. Please encourage or assist your child in recording how many nights they have read for, so that they can receive their certificates to celebrate their reading milestones. 




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