Grade 1 Community News

Our Grade1 students have transitioned from Prep so wonderfully and have settled into their new classrooms! Our Learn to Learn program is now complete and we will dive straight into our curriculum. 



In our Reading lessons we have been practising skills we have learnt last year such as how to turn and talk to a buddy on the mat and using the classroom library. We have been working hard on revising our independent reading skills and progressing our reading stamina. We are looking forward to starting our fables and stories unit. 



During our Writing lessons, we have been practicing our 5-star writing skills and revising nouns, verbs and adjectives. We have also been working on the short and long sounds that vowels make and suffixes ‘s’ and ‘es’ and which words we can add them to the end of. 



During our maths lessons we have been focusing on our new target number this year of 120 to count forwards and backwards from. We have been revising our maths expectations and have been playing some maths games to practice these skills. We have also been working on our mathematical mindset to achieve the best growth we can throughout the year. 



Some new words we learnt during our Vocabulary lesson were: 


Bloom: bloom means when a flower opens its petals and comes out 


Whisper: to talk very quietly to someone so no one else can hear you


Wonderful: wonderful means when something is very good


A couple of friendly reminders for the school year ahead:

  • Please encourage your child to read every night and record it in their reading journal as part of our take home reading program. We love to celebrate our reading milestones!
  • Students are expected to wear their hats in the yard. Please make sure they come to school with a Tarneit Rise Primary School hat every day and that this hat is clearly labelled with your child’s name and grade
  • Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school. Students are allowed to bring cut up fruit in containers to eat during learning time. 



The Year 1 Team. 

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