French News

Bonjour parents and students!
All our French students continue to work hard in class, and we are delighted to continue to see their enthusiasm to learn French.
Our Prep have extended greetings in French, by learning to say hello and introduce their name in French and learned classroom instructions in French.
Grade 1 students extended their knowledge on greetings by learning a variety of ways of asking for other people’s name, how are you, and respond thank you I am well in French and learned classroom instructions in French.
Grade 2 and 3 students continued to explore classroom instructions and classroom phrases, rules, and routine they can use.
Grade 2s have also learned Days of the Week and Months of the year in French, and they continued to practice ‘Manners’ by saying phrases like sorry, excuse, thank you, etc.
Grade 3 were also introduced to Definite and Indefinite articles according to the masculine, feminine and plural in the French language.
Grade 4 students continued to practice how to tell time by hour in French and writing them out in complete French structured sentences now relating to their school subject’s schedule as part of their learning about school subjects in French.
Grade 5 and 6 students consolidated the basic housekeeping classroom phrases and continued to practice the conjugation rule of regular ER verbs, and learned Prepositions and Directions.
Finally, French team looks forwards to meeting you on Meet and Greet day on the 22nd of Feb, please come along and say Hi/ Bonjour!
Please note: If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci (thanks) for reading! We look forward to watching our students at Tarneit Rise Primary School continue to grow in their French language abilities.
À bientôt! See you soon!
The French Specialist Team