Principal's Message

Hello Tarneit Rise Primary School Community,
We hope everyone has had a fabulous fortnight!
We extend a warm welcome to the following children and their families and to the following staff:
Year Foundation: MD, Hashir, Iulani- Li, Dominic, Zharya & Asena
Year 1: Pratik, Pranam, Gravity & Zayyan
Year 2: Tareha & Zain
Year 3: Aradhya, Tumakere, Amrit, Hollis, Hosea & Rayyan
Year 4: Venuhya & Riaan
Year 6: Hiya & Wahab
Staff: Marianne Uldall- School Nurse, Awaroa Rapana- classroom teacher of 6F, and Becca Varella- classroom teacher of 6C.
We look forward to getting to know you all and we hope you enjoy your time here at Tarneit Rise Primary School 😊
Meet and Greet and Student Support Groups
This year’s Meet and Greet and Student Support Groups has been another resounding success! Thank you to all our parents and carers who have attended and participated in either or both forums. Your attendance means a lot to your child and to staff. We know children whose parents or carers are involved in school perform better at school, settle better into school programs, feel valued and important because their parents/ carers are taking an interest in their lives, develop positive social skills by watching parents/ carers and staff interact respectfully, and have better social, physical, and emotional wellbeing. For staff, parental/ carer attendance and participation allow teachers to better tailor their approaches to learning and teaching because they have more insight into children’s needs, and this leads to higher job satisfaction. And it is not just children and teachers who benefit from parental and carer attendance and participation- it is parents and carers too! By sharing your child’s strengths and interests and suggesting learning opportunities to build on these you are empowered to raise concerns about your child’s learning or development in the future. Knowing you can work with staff to promote the learning of your child is such a huge stress relief too! We thank you so very much!
Family Communication and Contact Numbers
Sometimes children are unwell at school, and we need to contact families to collect them. Please be sure we have your most current contact numbers and at least two emergency contacts. In the event we cannot contact the Primary Carers, in an emergency of for an unwell child, we will call emergency contacts. It can be quite distressing for children, who feel unwell to be sitting in the sickbay.
Buildings and Grounds
Tarneit Rise Primary School is one of the biggest primary schools in Victoria and has grown rapidly since opening in 2018 with 200 children. Our enrolments are now 1800 and with this increased rapid growth, there has also been significant building and infrastructure works.
We are happy to say these next six months should see the last of building works for TRPS. The following works are currently taking place, or planned, over the next six months:
- The storm water issues will be rectified for the inclusion playground and this playground and landscaping should be finalised by the start of term two.
- New double storey classrooms are being installed right next to the inclusive playground. These should be completed for the start of term two – classes that are currently in the rooms on the netball courts will be able to move into these rooms.
- The current performing arts and visual arts rooms will be removed and replaced with two additional double storey classrooms. These will be purpose built to accommodate the teaching of The Arts and will provide extra room and flexibility for our school.
- Landscaping is planned after the installation of the new classrooms – all trees that are removed will be replaced and extra trees will be planted.
- New toilets and bubble taps will be installed by the end of term one.
- Landscaping will beautify available spaces to provide shaded spaces, lower temperatures over summer, provide natural habitats for fauna and ensure an aesthetically appealing school, that we can all be proud to call ours!
- Electrical upgrades will also be occurring, and we hope to have this completed by the end of the financial year. The generators will be removed at this point.
As you can see there is a lot of planned work, and we know this will cause disruption to the day-to-day operations of the school. We will try our very best to communicate any disruption in a timely manner, but there are times, when unforeseeable problems occur, as has been the case with the installation of the playground, which has been delayed because of storm water problems.
We are excited to be getting additional buildings at the school and look forward to having all works completed by semester two. We thank you all for your understanding and support.
National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
The NAPLAN is a literacy and numeracy assessment that children in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. The NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills children learn through the school curriculum and allows parents and carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards. For schools, education authorities and governments, the NAPLAN provides information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
The NAPLAN test window is 9 days, which will occur between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 25 March. Children in Year 3 and Year 5 will sit four tests over this 9-day test window: Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. Children who are absent when their class participates in the test may be able to sit catch- up tests later in the test window.
Children ARE NOT EXPECTED to study for the NAPLAN. The BEST SUPPORT parents and carers can provide to their child is to reassure them that the NAPLAN is part of the school program, to reinforce to them, to simply do their best, and to make sure they are at school every day.
We wish a lovely fortnight ahead.
Nadia, Sarah, Missy, Gemma, Lauren, Stephen, Adam, and Alana