House-Based Pastoral Care

Michael Halliday - Head of Senior Secondary

2024 saw the launch of our new House-based vertical pastoral care model in Senior Secondary. Rather than Year Level Coordinators in Years 10-12, we now have Heads of House overseeing the pastoral needs of our senior students.


The Heads of House are:


Within each House there are four multi-age (vertical) home groups. Each home group consists of (at least two) staff members and a selection of students from Years 10, 11 and 12. Having consistent contact with students over a three-year period, the Home Group Teachers and Head of House are in an ideal position to get to know students and their parents/guardians well, and to also share in their growth, maturity, and general development over this time.


The way we run our senior home groups has also changed. Home groups still meet each morning; however, we are being very intentional about ways of engaging students and seeking to develop genuine connection between students, as well as staff and students.


Activities within the home group include small group check-ins, staff-led devotions, prayer, student focus sessions – where we get to know individual students, and student directed activities – where students are encouraged to learn a new skill, create something or immerse themselves in a task.


It is wonderful to see the various activities the students have chosen to focus on. In my home group, I have two students learning Italian using Duolingo, a student teaching another crochet, while another is learning the intricacies of chess. I have been encouraged by the willingness of students to share within the small group check-ins and on the student focus sessions.


Throughout each term there will be instances when the whole senior House group comes together. The hope is to further enhance the opportunities for cross-age interaction in interesting and fun ways. 


Last week we saw one House competing in a group singing challenge, while another House group served pancakes. We are looking forward to seeing our Houses experiment with a wide range of ways to further build community.


I have been greatly encouraged by the way students have embraced this new model of pastoral care. Many students have stepped up and into leadership roles, both organising and facilitating activities.


We have an amazing group of senior students and I look forward to more opportunities to enhance the journey of students through their senior secondary years.