International & Regional Engagement

Not your average Internship Program 

The lighthouse of TREE is our internship program offered to students in Year 10. This program sees them work in industry around a half-day a week for 20 weeks on a specific project that benefits the individual, the company and the wider community. 


A wide variety of industries have been represented in our program, from not for profit to hospitality, law, communications and agriculture. Having a range of experiences on offer allows students and mentors to find a perfect fit and develop meaningful relationships. 


Student interns develop a project agreed with the internship provider that benefits themselves, the company and the wider community. Internships are matched to student interests and skillsets but aim to develop and challenge their ideas about themselves and their abilities.  


After a pitch meeting or job interview with prospective mentors intern students sign a job contract. They learn the etiquette and rules around working for an employer in a real work setting. 


Congratulations to the following 2023 Interns and thank you to our Mentors who celebrated their success at the Intern Celebration Evening on Wednesday 14 Feb. 

We will be starting the process for the 2024 cohort soon, if you are interested in being an Intern or Mentor, please get in touch with Ms Youll at  


Alice Commins, ODEEP  

Emika Carter, Uniting Church   

Jimmy Hutchings, Quality Wool   

Sarah Johnston, Orange 360  

Bonnie Leighton  , Rosedale Farm    

Sophie Luelf, The Remington  

Lucy McIsaac, Jeremy Curtain -Eye specialist   

Ava Rouse, DPI  

Jess Thompson, Diesel and Blue   

Em Turner, Photography  

Georgie Zatta, Riding for the disabled 

Sustainability Expedition 2023 

By Emma Gaston, Year 11

Near the end of Term 4 2023, eight of our students had the privilege of attending the HICES Sustainability Expedition 2023 hosted by Hills Grammar School, through which we were able to learn about many amazing initiatives around Sydney aimed to create a more sustainable future.


 After a bus ride buzzing with excitement, the first stop was Banish Recycling and Disposal at the Sydney Central Station where we met other schools we would be travelling with and learned about BRAD. This is a program that turns donated items like bottle caps and bread tabs into new creations. Here we learned about different types of plastics used in packaging and how to give rubbish a fresh life. 


A ferry was then caught to visit living sea walls in Sydney Harbour. The walls have been adapted to provide space for small creatures like crabs and mussels. 


After lunch at Haymarket, we headed to our last location. We were confused when we first entered the car park of a building but much to our surprise we were led into Urban Green, a vertical farm that produces herbs and small vegetables for most restaurants in the CBD. We learnt that the environment within the room was extremely controlled and produced most plants to the same high quality as each plant was given the right number of resources and had no exposure to pests and diseases.


For the second day of our trip, we headed to Hills Grammar School, the host of the Expedition. There we had the opportunity to attend the sustainability fair where Kinross Wolaroi presented our Book Swap project to other schools. During this time, we were able to gain ideas from other groups on ways to create a more sustainable school. 


After recess there were two guest speeches before several schools presented their Earthshot ideas, based on the real global award aimed at finding innovative solutions to environmental challenges. All candidates were creative, and it was great to be able to see what was happening in other schools. This opportunity gave the students of Kinross Wolaroi inspiration on what we could do in the future for the environment. 


We finished the day with many different workshops including leadership and sustainability. These were informative and helpful in the planning of future projects.


Overall, the Expo was very interesting and enjoyable, and we are thankful for all those involved for allowing this to go ahead. 

Duke of Edinburgh's Awards Program

Non-Cadet Students Only!


Expressions of Interest

Kinross Wolaroi School will be facilitating the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Adventurous Journey to Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) again in 2024. The “Bike and Hike” Adventurous Journey will provide participants with the chance to investigate this unique Alpine ecosystem with other participants. The Adventurous Journey will now take place in Week 11 Term 1 2024: Monday 8 April – Thursday 11 April 2024 (Please note that this is a revised date).


Based at Nagarigo campground in Kosciuszko National Park, participants will be developing their campcraft, navigation and survival skills over a four-day period. 

If you would like to participate in this Adventurous Journey, please email Mr Zinga at


Participant numbers are limited to 20, therefore those who are wanting to participate must email Mr Zinga to book their place on this trip. Positions will be allocated on a first to email basis. 


Once participants are finalised, a meeting will take place in Term 1 Week 5 to commence the planning for this activity.  


If you wish to find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, please access information on The Hub or speak with Mr Zinga at any time.