
Mrs Hannah Whittemore & Mr Matt Byrne 

In the heart of our boarding community, a remarkable tradition is unfolding as our Year 7 students embrace the vibrant life of boarding school. As Heads of Boarding, we have witnessed the incredible journey these young boarders have embarked upon. 


Settling into a new boarding house can be daunting, no doubt, but through the challenges, there have been moments of pure joy and the forging of lifelong friendships. We've seen the Year 7 boarders navigate the twists and turns of communal living with grace and resilience, and we couldn't be prouder. 


Boarding school isn't just about academics; it's a holistic experience that shapes the whole child. In the boarding houses of Stuart Douglas and Trathen, we foster an environment where students glean invaluable life lessons that extend far beyond the confines of traditional classrooms. From time management to empathy, from independence to teamwork, our boarders grow in ways they've never imagined. 


Last Sunday, we had the pleasure of hosting a BBQ brunch for our Year 7 families—a delightful opportunity to connect, share stories, and strengthen the bonds that make our community so special. Aunty Deb Orrock, the nurturing force behind Stuart Douglas House, and Mr. Rob Bell, the guiding light of Trathen House, have been instrumental in creating a warm and supportive environment for our Year 7 boarders. Their dedication and passion shine through in every aspect of boarding life. 


As we reflect on the journey so far, we can't help but feel excited for what lies ahead. Our Year 7 boarders have already shown tremendous growth, and we know they'll continue to flourish under the guidance of our dedicated staff and the unwavering support of their peers. 


To the parents of our Year 7 boarders, thank you for entrusting us with your children's education and wellbeing. We will cherish and nurture them every step of the way, as they navigate the exciting adventure that is boarding school life. 

Mrs Hannah Whittemore,

Head of Girls Boarding


Mr Matt Byrne,

Head of Boys Boarding