Parents & Friends' (PFA)

Firstly, a big thank you to all the volunteers who came and assisted at the working bee. The school looked fantastic on Monday with new tanbark across the playgrounds and the gardens all tidied up.
The cake raffle is back, and we are delighted to have such delicacies to look forward to every week. The standard is very high, and we thank all families who have baked so far. If you need to change your week for baking, please contact the school office or Luci Sinclair.
10 cent recycling program is up and running, please see St Anthony's fundraising code below. You can recycle your cans, bottles (both plastic and glass) and all eligible containers. Once you enter the St Anthony's school code the donation is made straight into the school bank account. The cans and bottles collected at the Picnic on the Green have now been recycled.
For any information about the scheme such as what containers you can recycle and locations of where to recycle, please visit
The closest locations to St Anthony’s school to recycle are:
- Carnegie Highgate Cellars, 1263 Glen Huntly Rd, Carnegie
- Caulfield East Glasshouse, 31 Station St, Caulfield East.
It’s hard to believe we are in the third week of Lent already and Easter is fast approaching. The 3/4TO Class are in full swing organising the Easter Raffle. Please drop off all Easter donations to the school office by Wednesday morning 27 March. If you have already volunteered to help with the Easter hampers then we thank you. If anyone else is interested in volunteering to assemble the hampers please contact 3/4TO Class Liaisons Sandra or Efra. Hopefully, you have received your raffle tickets already; please fill out and return to the school office by 9.00am on Thursday 28 March. The raffle draw will be held on the last day of Term 1 at 1.15pm. Best of luck to everyone in the raffle.
The PFA Team