Year 5/6 News

In SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL LEARNING (SEL), we have been focusing on Bouncing Back. Bouncing back means that although you are having a hard time, you should keep pushing through and think of the good times. This is important to remember, especially during tough times. Each letter of “ BOUNCE BACK “ has a different meaning. We made posters for each of the letters and hung them up around Padua.
Bad times don’t last
Other people can help
Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset
Nobodys perfect
Concentrate on the positives
Everybody experiences sadness
Blame fairly
Accept what can’t be changed
Catastrophising exaggerates your worries
Keep things in perspective
In Religion, the 5/6’s have been learning about the importance of kindness. We have learned that when one person is kind to another, kindness spreads like ripples. We have even found out that there is science behind kindness. Do you know that we feel calmer, stronger, and more positive when we do something kind? It is great for our self-esteem. Apparently, even watching someone else be kind produces oxytocin, which can lower blood pressure and improve our overall mental health.
We have learnt that Jesus told us to “Love one another as I have loved you.” This Lent, we are trying to spread the ripples of kindness throughout the school by treating each other as we would like to be treated.
The 5/6s created kindness posters, which we have put around the school to remind everyone to be kind.
Welcome from your 2024 Sports Captains. So far this year we have done Morning Fitness first thing on a Monday morning. Some activities we have done so far are the Fitness Circuit, Relays and Parachute. Students have really enjoyed participating in these activities.
We are lucky to have started a four-week gymnastics program, which means our Morning Fitness will be on hold. We have gymnastics for an hour every Wednesday and so far, everyone is loving it. We are learning some very cool skills and we are all enjoying the lessons. This year, the Sports Captains have a lot more fun things planned for the school and we can’t wait to do these activities.
Hello everyone! We are the Wellbeing Leaders for 2024. We would like to tell you about the activities we have been doing so far this year. Every Monday at lunchtime, we open up the Padua for students to come and do some quiet activities, such as mindful colouring, and we listen to calm music. We ensure every student is having a good day and feels safe at school. So many people are coming into the room which makes us happy. We love to see everyone coming and have some time to relax.
This term in Economics, we had the chance to explore a website called Banqer, and it's a lot of fun! In Banqer, we each get to set up our own bank account, which we need to manage. It allows you to earn fake money, which you can then use to go to the market and buy cool stuff like glasses, hats, and even pets! However, as much fun as it is to spend your hard-earned money, you will also learn about paying your expenses. It's an excellent way to learn about using your money and being wise with your money, or else you’ll end up with $0.
In Banqer, we had the opportunity to apply for jobs. To do so, we had to create a CV. It was a great learning experience for all of us, and we were thrilled by the jobs we got. The best part is that we get paid weekly for the job we do, and the payment varies between $40 and $120, depending on the type of job.
In Banqer, we also have expenses and bills. Expenses and bills are when you pay to use or keep things. Expenses include things like desk rent and even things that your parents pay for, such as electricity, water, and wifi. Additionally, we are fined for going to the bathroom during class time, for unnecessary capital letters, wearing the wrong uniform or having messy tubs.
However, we also receive money from the bank. Every week, we are given $300 for attending school, as well as the opportunity to earn $120 by completing all sections of our homework. We were employed by demonstrating that we were the ideal candidate for the job. also give us a weekly income. The available positions we could apply for were diverse and included roles such as Tech Support, Rubbish Monitor, Librarian, Table Cleaner, and Roll Monitor.
All of us are enjoying having our own money and learning some great skills.
In Writing, we’ve been learning how to write Persuasive and Narrative texts. In Persuasive writing, we started off with a plan, then did an Introduction to state our opinion, three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion to wrap it up. To make our writing the best we can, we put in a ton of evidence and statistics to back our opinions up!
We picked which argument we wanted to present. The choices were "Should kids be allowed to have a TV in their bedroom?” or “Are devices ruining families?” Most 5/6 students chose “Should kids be allowed to have a TV in their bedroom?”
We are also learning how to write narratives and how to plan them. Before we do anything, we need to make a plan so that we know what we are going to write about. We start off with an Introduction, a few events leading up to the worst part of the problem, and then a Resolution solving the problem. After planning, we start to write our Narrative. While writing the Narrative, we make sure that we keep looking back to our plan to stay on track.
In Reading this term, the 5/6s have been reading a class novel called 'Wonder'. It is about a little boy named August. He is 10 (like lots of us!!!), and he has never gone to school before. He is starting in middle school. He has a rare birth deformity called Treacher-Collins Syndrome. He is ordinary on the inside but not on the outside. It's a heartwarming story, and it's been a great way for us to learn about empathy and acceptance. It links to the work we are doing on kindness. The main
character August is like any other kid, with a loving family and a unique personality. Unfortunately, not everyone can see past appearances and embrace differences. Julian (one of the characters), for example, struggled to accept August's differences and was initially unkind to him. However, it is important to remember that we should never judge others based on how they look or what makes them different.
On Tuesdays during recess and lunchtime, nine students each week, cross the road to lend a hand at Tony’s Cafe in the Parish Hall. We love volunteering at Tony's Cafe and find it to be a delightful experience.
The adults serve hot dishes in takeaway containers, while the children have taken on the responsibility of distributing cereal, rice, pasta, cake mixes, cookies, and other sweet treats. Tony’s Cafe also offers an array of drinks, fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks. Overall, it is a delightful and rewarding experience for all involved.
Tony's Cafe receives its food from a charitable businesses like OzHarvest that collect food donations from various sources such as airlines, hotels, delis, and supermarkets. This not only helps avoid food waste but also ensures that the food served at Tony's Cafe is fresh and of high quality. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!
During the third week of the semester, on Shrove Tuesday, a group of nine students visited Tony's Cafe to distribute pancakes and ice cream to those in need. It was a heartwarming experience that brought joy and comfort to the less fortunate.