The Holy Family Colour Explosion Fun Run and Community event is almost here!
We hope everyone can come along on Friday 15th March 5pm – 7pm to join in the fun.
Please note that this event is open to all students of Holy Family and their families only and we require all participants (students, siblings, parents, grandparents, carers) to register and purchase a wristband for $5. These can be purchased via CDF Pay or at the office. Online purchases can be picked up from Kids Café on Wednesday 13th March form 3pm.
The Fun Run will start at 5pm with food and drinks being served from 6. The Grade 4 Mini Vinnies and Grade 6 students are also running some stalls with fun activities for the students.
This year all food and drinks and activity tokens are being pre purchased via CDF Pay to assist with catering. Please order by Wednesday 13th March (insert QR Code).
(Insert Menu)
Donations for the students running can be made online:
Cash donations can be recorded on the donation sheets the students received last week and returned to the office by Friday 22 March.
The class that raises the most will enjoy a movie afternoon with popcorn. There are also prizes for the highest individual fundraisers.
Good luck to all our class teams;
Prep D | Outstanding Preps |
Prep I | Superstar Preps |
1/2 SG | The rainbow runners |
1/2 M | M&M 1/2M |
1/2 F | Cray Cray Crayola |
3/4 C | 3/4C Champions |
3/4 M | marvellous minions |
3/4 L | Lucky Lizard Legends |
5/6 F | Fast & Furious Foenanders |
5/6 PD | Powerful Dragons |
5/6 L | Lucky Lamingtons |
5/6 S | SMITHereens |
Our fundraising efforts will be for the next stage of our playground rebuild and oval refurbishment.
This event cannot happen without the support of our families so
If you can donate items to our shopping list:
If you can donate some time on the night: