First Aid/ Sick Bay
Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to provide some information about students requiring medication to be given at school:
- Medication needs to be brought to the office by parents or guardians.
- It must be accompanied by written advice providing directions for appropriate storage and administration (Medication authority form available from the office).
- Must be in the original container
- Must have the original Label including:
- name of student
- required dosage
- time for administration
- visible expiry date
- Medications must be collected from the office by parents or guardians. Students cannot carry them through school grounds in their bags.
This allows us to ensure:
- The correct student receives their correct medication in the proper dose via the correct method (such as inhaled or orally) at the correct time of the day.
- To keep a medication log of medicine administered
- Teachers in charge of students are informed that the students are required to have their medication and can release the student from class to do so.
Parents/ Guardians may receive messages through Sentral in regard to expired medications and /or plans. When bringing in new medications (mainly inhalers) please feel free to ask for the expired ones to take home and keep for emergencies.
A reminder that at school we are not able to:
- store or administer painkillers such as paracetamol or aspirin as a standard first aid strategy as they can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury
- allow a student to that their first dose of a new medication at school in case of an allergic reaction. This should be done under the supervision of the parent or guardian or health practitioner.
- allow the use of medication by anyone other than the prescribed student.
If you have any questions or need any clarifications, please don't hesitate to call and talk with a member of the admin team.
Kind Regards,