Literacy & numeracy

Katherine White – Literacy and Numeracy Leading Teacher

Literacy learning

How can I support my child at home?


The first few years of reading is a wonderful time for your child. Books expose them to new ideas and new worlds, and their imagination grows. 


Talk positively about reading so your child also values it. Continue to read as much as you can with your child. When they feel confident, encourage them to take over some or all of the reading. Always be patient when they are reading and try not to emphasise speed. Also, try to read as much as possible yourself to model reading to your child.


These years are a time when your child will learn more about the world. Engaging them in discussions improves their speaking skills, and helps them understand the world and their place in it.


In these years your child will also begin to write with greater confidence. The ability to write well enables your child to communicate effectively and will improve their chances of success at school and in their future careers. Encourage your child to write as often as possible, on a range of topics and interests.


Literacy can always be fun and engaging. Let your child choose books and activities matched to their interests, and always encourage a healthy dose of fun and play in all activities. This will help foster in your child a love of reading, talking and writing. 

Numeracy Nugget

How can I support my child at home?

  1. Be positive and encouraging.
  2. Make it fun!
  3. Developing Numeracy skills is not a race. It is not about being the fastest or always having the right answer. It is about applying a positive, growth mindset and learning at your own pace. We use the PMPS Positive Maths Norms in all classrooms across the school. Having a growth mindset is also one of our Proud Port Behaviours: Be a Learner.

Simple, fun games to try at home


Eye Spy Neighbourhood Number Hunt

Choose a number that your child has to find, it could be on a license plate, letterbox, or sign. Adapt for Shape Eye Spy or Pattern Eye Spy.


Friends of Ten Dice Roll

Roll a dice and ask your child, “How many more to make ten?” Adapt to make it more challenging if your child is ready. For example, “How many more to make 20?”


Involve your child in everyday activities that involve Maths, such as shopping and cooking.


Years 3 and 4 

Dice Roll Doubles

Roll a dice two (or three) times and ask your child to double the number. Encourage them to take their time and ask, “How did you work it out?”


Cook with your child and discuss the measurement units used, e.g.:

  • “What does ¼ cup look like?”
  • “Is it more or less than ½ a cup?”

Years 5 and 6

Involve your child in everyday activities, such as cooking and shopping.

  • Sports: if your child follows a sports team, read and discuss the scores with them. 
  • Shopping: work out the best value for money, sales percentage prices etc.

These are just a few, fun ways to support your child’s Literacy and Numeracy development at home. 


We’re here to support, so if you have any questions or would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.