Senior School News
Year 10 to 12
Senior School News
Year 10 to 12
On Tuesday 11 February, our Year 12 students attended the EDSC Ascent Program at Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus.
The aim of the program is to launch students’ final year of schooling with a positive, motivating off-site experience and for students to:
Our students enjoyed soaking up the university atmosphere and being together outside the usual school environment.
Popular sessions included the “Astro Tour” where students experienced innovative virtual reality technologies in Swinburne’s immersive 3D theatre to wander through the universe. In the Law department students could take part in a Mock Trial, embracing pivotal roles in a courtroom trial. Students interested in engineering could explore medical engineering and its role in the design and creation of bionics, creating their own prototype of a bionic hand. There were also opportunities to undertake classes in the Business, Design and Science.
The Elevate Education Study Skills Session outlined above also provides attendees with access to the Elevate Student Portal which contains many valuable resources to assist them in their VCE journey, from tips on mindfulness to devising a study timetable, from video tips from students who achieved high ATARS to Apps that successful students can’t be without, there’s something for everyone.
Password: RONDO
Thank you to the Swinburne staff and Student Ambassadors for hosting us for the day and thank you to the EDSC staff for supporting our students and making it possible for us to attend this excursion.
On Monday 10 February, our Year 11 students attended a study skills seminar run by Elevate Education.
The Time Management seminar covered:
We hope that students were able to gain some valuable techniques that they can build on throughout the year to assist them in juggling the demands of VCE.
Students who attended this program can access the Elevate Student Portal which contains many valuable resources to assist them in their VCE journey, from tips on mindfulness to devising a study timetable, from video tips from students who achieved high ATARS to Apps that successful students can’t be without, there’s something for everyone.
Password: RONDO
Kate Leaumont
Assistant Principal Senior School
Just a reminder to parents that we are unable to deliver lunches to students during school time. It is the student’s responsibility to come and collect their lunch if it has been dropped off at Reception. Hot food is not suitable to be left at Reception.
PLEASE NOTE: Take-away food is not allowed at the College during school hours. Under no circumstances are students to be ordering take-away food to be delivered to the College.
Please remind all students that they must carry their Student Compass ID/Library/PTV Cards with them at all times.
ALL students must sign in and out with their card at The John Landy Centre (Senior School Building)when they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason.
The cards are also used for any student photocopying that is done at school. The EDSC Student Compass ID/Library card can be used as ID for student PTV (Public Transport Victoria) travel. They are required to carry this card as student identification while travelling on public transport.
If a student loses their card, parents/guardians are able to re-order a replacement card via the Compass parent portal.