College News


NAPLAN 2025 Information for Parent/Carers  

Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.  


NAPLAN 2025 will take place at Mater Dei Catholic College from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 17 March, with catch-up sessions on Friday 20 March.  NAPLAN is just one part of the College's learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning, so the best preparation is their everyday classroom learning. The public demonstration site is available for you to see the format of the online tests. Further information about NAPLAN is available on the NESA website and the NAP website.


If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact Mrs Rebecca Sadler, Leader of Learning - Literacy Enrichment at the College. 


Wagga Wagga Debutante Ball - Sacred Heart Parish

Please find attached information regarding upcoming Wagga Debutante Ball.

Year 7 and 10 Immunisations

Please find attached information regarding Immunisations. 

A Compass notification has also been sent to Year 7 and 10 Parents/Carers.