Curriculum News

Assessment Information for Year 11 and 12 Students and Parents


Over the last two weeks, Principal Mrs Thomas, Assistant Principal, Mr Shaun Ellis and I, as Leader of Curriculum, have met with Year 11 and 12 cohorts to discuss our expectations around learning, classroom engagement and the responsibilities students have in preparing and submitting assessment tasks within the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Guidelines.  


Quality Assessment is an essential component of the teaching and learning cycle. It provides information to teachers, students, and parents/carers about the depth of students’ conceptual understanding, problem solving, analysis, synthesis and critical thinking skills.


The purpose of assessment is to gather valid, reliable and useful information about student learning in order to: monitor student achievement in relation to course outcomes, guide future teaching and learning opportunities, and provide ongoing feedback to students to improve learning. 


The assessment procedures and policies at Mater Dei Catholic College complement all NESA requirements and guidelines, adhering to mandatory components and weightings, as well as aligning with KLA scope and sequence documentation, programs and the school’s reporting program. 


Students can access their relevant course pages in CANVAS for scope and sequence, lesson outline and assessment information. It is the responsibility of students to ensure they are keeping up to date with lesson content, homework and assessment task information, even if they are absent from school. Senior students must ensure they are prioritising their studies, being punctual each day, and maintaining strong attendance to maximise their learning opportunities. Students are encouraged to bring their new diaries to the College each day, and actively use them in the classroom to record vital information to keep them on track with their learning. 

Students are also able to access the MDCC Student Hub through CANVAS to download any relevant forms in relation to assessment task submission they may need. We understand that from time to time, students may experience illness or misadventure which prevents them from attending school. In these instances, it is most important that students and/or parents/carers contact the College to officially notify us, and seek advice about how best to manage Year 11 or 12 assessment tasks which might be due at this time. The College carefully adheres to NESA guidelines and can provide you with the best advice to ensure families understand the evidence they need to collect and which forms they will need to complete and submit. 

We encourage parents/carers to reach out to us directly if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year. College staff are keen to work in partnership to support your child/ren with their learning. 



Mrs Amelia Bright | Leader of Curriculum