Assistant Principal's Message

A Focus on Positive Behaviour

This year, the College is focusing on explicitly teaching, identifying and rewarding the positive behaviour of our students. Specifically, students are being taught about the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. Each Mater Dei student is being challenged to live a life of virtue to develop themselves, their work and their relationships.

Student Diaries

In Week Two, all students were issued with a student diary, for use during Homegroup and each lesson throughout the day. Their diary details some of the character virtues described above, common Catholic prayers, and allows students to track their homework, assessment tasks and revision. Please feel free to use your child’s diary to help them track and balance competing commitments and help them develop lifelong skills in organisation and planning.


Updates to the Mobile Phone Policy

The College’s Mobile Phone Procedure was recently updated so that restrictions around the use of mobile phones now apply to the use of headphones and airpods as well. From 2025, students should not use headphones around the College, except in class for the purposes of learning and with the prior permission of the supervising teacher. Students were informed of the change on their return to school. The College’s priority remains interactions with others in our College community and facilitating learning without distraction. Students with a phone or headphones will be directed to the front office where these will be held until the end of the day. Parents will be notified of these occurrences via Compass.


Mr Shaun Ellis | Assistant Principal