Junior Learning Community

JLC (Year 1 & 2) Newsletter-Week 4 

It was lovely to meet with you on Tuesday for 3-way chats.   We thank you for the conversations with you and your child as we begin the school year working together. Also, for the opportunity to set Term 1 learning goals. 


A friendly reminder that your child has an allocated check in day with their teacher to change readers. In JLC, we encourage all students to read with a parent, guardian or older sibling at least 4 times a week. We ask the person who hears the student reading to please sign their reading diary. 


During learning in the past week, students have participated in creating number lines in Mathematics and learning about short and long vowel sounds in spelling. They did this by playing a vowel game. We have included some photos of this amazing learning in Year 2. 


Date for your diary: Grade One Outdoor Education & BBQ – Friday 21st March.  



Year 2 Photos