Catholic Identity



Congratulations to all the students that received the Mercy Award for displaying ‘Courage’ at our first assembly. 

Our next Mercy Award will be focusing on the quality of ‘Compassion’. This quality embraces the action of kindness, care for others and a desire to help people in need. Compassion is empathy in action and connects beautifully to our upcoming Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal that we will be involved in during the Lenten season. The ‘Compassion’ Mercy Award will be presented at our next assembly on Friday March 7th. 



Last Friday, we came together to celebrate the beginning of our school year by attending Mass. It was a lovely occasion to welcome the Foundation students, other new students, families and staff to our school community.  



Our school will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday on March 4th. Shrove Tuesday comes from an old English word meaning “to confess,” since it was customary to go to confession before the beginning of Lent. It was also customary to use up meats, fats, and dairy products before entering the Lenten period of fasting; this led to the day’s nicknames: Mardi Gras (French for Fat Tuesday) or Pancake Tuesday. 

As part of this celebration, the school will be supplying a pancake and a choice of toppings for each student. We will gather together as a school for a short assembly at 10:30am to commemorate this day before the students enjoy their tasty treat.  

Toppings will include: butter, maple syrup and strawberry jam. Gluten free pancakes will also be provided. If you wish for your child not to eat a pancake, please email their classroom teacher. 




Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March 2025. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting.  

As a school, we will be attending Ash Wednesday Mass at 9.30am on Wednesday March 5th, at St Joseph’s Church.  All parents and friends are invited to attend and celebrate this important season in our Church calendar.  

When Lent begins, your child will also receive a Caritas Australia Project Compassion box to place any coins you wish to donate throughout the Lenten season. The theme for this year is, “Unite Against Poverty”. Any donations can be handed in to school. We thank you in advance for your generous donation. 


The celebrations will be taking place on Saturday 31st May, 2025 and Sunday 1st June, 2025.  

A Parent Information Session will be held on Tuesday 25th February at 5:00pm. It is essential that at least one parent/guardian of each candidate attends this meeting. The session will be run by the Grade 3 and 4 teachers and Father Junjun our Parish Priest. It will cover the essential information and process of Sacramental participation, as well as provide you with the opportunity to fill in all required enrolment forms/documentation. 




Grade 5 students will be attending Wednesday Mass at 9:30 on February 25th. 

Term 1, 2025 

Weekday Mass Roster 

Wednesday 9:30 am 





Year 6 


Year 5 


Ash Wednesday: 

 whole school Mass 


Year 4 


Year 3 


Year 2 



No Mass