Principal's Message

Parent/Teacher/Student Chats - A huge thank you to all the parents who booked a 3-way chat for their child. We had a fantastic response, and it was wonderful to see both familiar and new faces in the school, chatting and setting goals. Please contact your child's teacher anytime with any questions or concerns. 


Staffing Update:  I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Gabrielle Wiles has joined the teaching team at St. Joseph's, this year.  Mrs Wiles will be teaching specialist classes on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, Year 6 on Thursday (Mrs Hodgson) and Yr 5 on Friday, for Mrs O'Sullivan.  Mrs Wiles has been teaching here as a casual teacher for the past six years and the students and staff really enjoy her firm, fair and fun approach to learning. 


Division Swimming - what a great day the 24 students had to compete at Division Swimming in Shepperton on Wednesday.  We are very proud of each of you for your sportsmanship, behaviour, and effort.  We wish all the squad going onto the next stage the very best of luck. 



We are aware of some parking concerns that have occurred in the past week, especially near the Hay Ave crossing.  We have contacted the council/shire and police to clarify and monitor this situation. 


Student's Medical Information

A reminder that if your child has a medical condition, eg an asthmatic or anaphylactic, we require a current plan. We have some students with no plans at all and others with outdated plans. Could you please update plans directly to PAM. If you have any trouble with this email


FETE Volunteers Request

We would appreciate it if each family could volunteer at least 1 hour of their time to work on a stall at our Fete on Saturday 15th March. We are also looking for volunteers to sell raffle tickets down the street. If you can assist could you add your name to the roster/s or message the school at

School Uniform Blitz - Socks

Over the past week, we have noticed an influx of cartoon and branded socks being worn to school. While socks are only a small part of the uniform, when worn incorrectly they have a noticeable impact on the overall appearance. We believe our school uniform provides our students with a sense of respect for self, equality and reflects a sense of school pride when worn as a group. 


Summer Uniform 


Blue and white checked dress with checked collar and no solid white binding 

Plain white socks

Black shoes 




Navy blue and yellow short sleeved polo shirt with school logo 

Navy blue tailored shorts 

Plain white socks 

Black shoes 



Grey gabardine shorts 

Navy blue and yellow short sleeved polo shirt with school logo 

Black shoes 

Plain grey socks



We thank you for your support. 


Sarah Iddles 
