Student Health & Wellbeing News

Welcome to the 2025 school year!


It has been a lovely, calm start to the year, with the students settling well into their new classes and new year levels. The Year 6 students have thoroughly enjoyed helping their Prep buddies learn their way around the school, and the Preps are slowly settling into the school routine.


This week, all students were sent home with a Code of Conduct Agreement and an ICT Agreement. A reminder to parents to please discuss these agreements with your child/ren and then sign and return the reply slip to your child's class teacher. All students and families must agree to the school's Code of Conduct, and students who do not return the signed ICT agreement will not be allowed to use digital devices at school.


During the first week of school, teachers have been getting to know their students, helping students to establish connections, setting behaviour expectations, and laying the foundations for a productive year in the classroom. 


Positive Behaviour Expectations Matrix

All families should have received a paper copy of the Positive Behaviour Matrix with your child's Code of Conduct. Students have worked on developing this matrix as part of our Scoresby Superstars program.

This ensures that all students in the school understand the behaviours that are expected of them here at school. The matrix is on display in all classrooms and in all zones around the school. Teachers and students will refer to the matrix regularly.


The list of major and minor behaviours, which is also on display in every classroom, explains which behaviours are managed by teachers and which behaviours are managed by a member of school leadership.


Countless studies have shown that a consistent approach between home and school is highly beneficial for effective behaviour management. You may consider developing similar strategies such as these to use at home.


The Scoresby Super 10

You may have noticed in classrooms and around the school a new poster of our Scoresby Super 10.  These are being taught in each classroom and form the basis for our classroom behaviour and learning expectations.