Dates For Your Diary

Friday 7th
- 'Jump Into Junior School' Fun Day (all F-2 students)
- Badge Presentation to School, Vice, HEART and House Captains by Mr Kim Wells MP at assembly, 3.00pm (all welcome)
- Junior School Family Teddy Bear Picnic, 3.45-4.30pm (all F-2 students and their families)
Tuesday 11th
- Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 12th
- Breakfast Club returns for 2025, 8.15-8.45am in Hall (all welcome)
Friday 14th
- Kaboom Tabloid Sports, 1.45pm (whole school)
Wednesday 19th
- District Swimming Competition (qualified Year 3-6 students)
Friday 21st
- Badge Presentation to SRC, Digi-Tech, Sustainables, Peer Mediators at assembly, 3.00pm (all welcome)
Monday 24th
- Year 5/6 Swimming Program commences (all Year 5/6 students)
- Vic State Schools Spectacular 2025 rehearsal (selected students)
Friday 28th
- Year 5/6 Swimming Program concludes (all Year 5/6 students)
Tuesday 4th
- Halogen Student Leaders Conference (School, Vice, HEART, House Captains)
Wednesday 5th
- Parent-Teacher Interviews, 2.00-6.00pm (all parents, please book on Compass)
Friday 7th
- Whole school assembly, 3.00pm (all welcome)
Monday 10th
- Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th
- 2026 Prep Information Evening & Tour, 6.00pm (prospective 2026 Prep families)
Wednesday 12th
- 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 1 (students with booked appointments)
- NAPLAN Writing (Year 3 & 5 students)
Thursday 13th
- NAPLAN Reading (Year 3 & 5 students)
Friday 14th
- NAPLAN Language Conventions (Year 3 & 5 students)