A message from the Principal

We are seeking nominations to join our School Council

One of my favourite features of our wonderful school is our amazing, talented, supportive parent community.


We are truly lucky to have so many parents and carers who so generously find the time to get involved at SKiPPS, running events, helping out, raising funds and helping our school to keep improving and doing a great job for our students. 


One of the key forms of parental involvement at school is through our School Council.


All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies made up of parents and staff working together to set and monitor the broad direction of a school. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students. 


A strong school has a strong school council and we are asking all parents and carers at SKiPPS to consider nominating to join our council for the next 2 years.


School council meets ten times during the year and each member serves a two-year term. as well as attending meetings, councillors are also expected to serve on a sub-committee. Overall, the time commitment each month would be around 5 hours.


As well as helping your child's school, serving on School Council allows you to get involved with a different side of SKiPPS, understanding more about how the school runs - the finances, the strategic priorities and the facilities.


If you are interested in becoming a School Council member please find below the School Council Parent Nomination Forms (one for those wishing to self-nominate and one to nominate another parent at the school). These forms are also available in hard-copy form from the school office. 


Please submit these to the office by 4pm on Wednesday 19th February


Notice of Election and call for nominations;



Download nomination forms;



The timeline and process for the nomination and election of parent members is as follows;

Any parents or carers who would like to find out more or discuss nominating are very welcome to get in touch with me directly for a chat.


Neil Scott
