Year 3/4 - Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,


What a great time was had by all at the ENPS Swimming Carnival! The weather was kind to us and our students were fantastic representatives of our school. Congratulations to all the Year 3 students for their participation in their first swimming carnival and to all our students who have made it through to the District Swimming Carnival. We are sure you will do ENPS proud! A big shout out to all our parents who came to support the event, we would not be able to run these events without you, so thank you.  


What's happened in Year 3/4 these last weeks?

It has been wonderful to see the year 3/4 students settling into the routine of school life. Our students are developing new friendships and working hard to become great role models for their peers and our school.


This week at our Year 3/4 assembly we will be handing out our first Student Recognition Awards. Congratulations to Sierra for creating the winning certificate for Semester One.


This week the students had the opportunity to present a speech for either Junior School Council or Environmental leaders. Congratulations to all students for showing courage in presenting in front of their peers and to those students who are the leaders in each class.


Our platoon sessions began this week.  The students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities over the term each Wednesday. Activities included are:

  • Dance
  • Cosmic Yoga
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Skipping


English – This week we have continued our Structured Literacy unit based around the novel, Matilda, by Roald Dahl. The students are gaining confidence in reading aloud to the class or with their fluency partner. We have begun developing ideas for our main characters by brainstorming how they look, act and feel. We are also looking at how we can create a great mental image for our readers by the use of interesting adjectives, to describe the setting. The prefixes we have looked at over the last weeks are ‘re-’ and ‘pre-’. Ask your child what these prefixes mean.


Maths – This week in Maths students continue to  investigate Place Value. Through our Launch, Explore & Summarise model we have explored different ways of looking at  multi-digit numbers. Students have worked through some number of the day activities, ordered numbers and renamed numbers. Eg, 2, 345 can be 

2 thousands, 3 hundreds, 4 tens, 5 ones OR 23 hundreds, 4 tens, 5 ones OR  234 tens, 3 ones OR 2,345 ones  

We’ve supported student understanding through digital games reinforcing place value concepts and My Numeracy targeted activities for your child. 


Wellbeing - This week we looked at identifying emotions in varying situations.


Inquiry - Our Inquiry unit this term is, ‘I Belong and I Can Make a Difference’. We would love to invite parents and/or friends from within our local community who have contributed to and volunteered their time within the community to talk to all Year 3/4 students. Volunteering examples include: local community volunteers, community leaders and community elders with volunteering experience. 

Please contact your class teacher if you are available to talk to our students.


This week we have completed our leaders speeches. We also looked at places we belong in the community.



Reading homework began this week . Thank you to those parents who signed the diaries and supported your child's learning at home.


Things to Remember

  • If your child is still missing one, please provide your child with a day-to-day diary and pencil case.
  • Term One is a no hat no play term - please ensure your child has a school hat
  • We are aware that some school supplies have still not arrived, please just send in when available
  • If you haven’t done so already, please make sure your child has an art smock at school and library bag. 
  • Absences: If your child is going to be absent for three or more days, for legal reasons, it is very important you let the school know. Please use the notes section on compass, email us via compass or contact the office.