Principal News 

Tandy Johnson

Principal News - Term 1 Week 4


Last Sunday we held our first working bee for 2025. The team moved many meters of mulch improving the playground. When students arrived on Monday, the grounds were lovely to be in. Staff and students are very grateful for the time that families spent making the environment so welcoming and pleasant to be in so THANK YOU once again!



Now is a great time to talk about who to approach if you have a concern or query about aspects of how the school is operating. In our community we have several groups that form part of the communication chain at ENPS. We have Class Reps, the PFA, teaching staff, office staff, the leadership team and School Council. So, who do you approach if you have a question? To help guide you is a description of where to best direct queries to.


Parent Reps and Class Whats App groups: these groups are for social queries and questions that you would like your parent rep to clarify with the classroom teacher or leadership. We know they are also great groups to organise get togethers, source items or arrange for help with pick-ups and drops offs amongst parents. The school has no affiliation or insight into the conversations taking place in these groups are they are simply designed to be an electronic contact list with a helpful chat facility.


PFA: this group has a primary focus of connecting our community by facilitating events to bring families together. The trivia night is a fine example of the awesome work that parents and the PFA do.  They are also responsible for running fun events for students such as Walkathons, special lunches, icy pole days and discos. The PFA support school events such as working bees and graduation. Last year they managed to raise healthy funds that enabled playground improvements. The PFA are the people to contact if you have an idea for an event that you would like to run or support. 


Classroom Teachers: your classroom teacher is the first person to talk to about any aspect of your child’s experience in the classroom. We encourage you to email your child’s teacher first to raise any classroom concerns to enable your teacher to work in partnership with you to address your concern. 


Leadership Team: the leadership team are available to respond if you need to raise a concern about the operation of our school. Please email me directly during term 1.

If in doubt and you are not sure who to contact at any time, email me directly and I will do my best to respond within 48 hours! 


School council: your school council representatives are able to raise parent concerns if you feel that you would like it discussed at school council level. School councils are responsible for the overseeing of the running of the school, so they are a point of contact to ask for an issue to be raised. School council members contact details will be circulated following our first meeting this evening.


Wishing you a lovely weekend with your family.