School News, Birthdays & Awards 

Please scroll to the bottom of this page as there is lots of useful news and celebrations.

School Advisory Committee: So what is it and what does it do?

The School Advisory Committee (SAC) is a team of representatives from the school community whose role is to provide advice on educational matters relating to the school. The SAC informs in making key decisions in the life of the school, ultimately with the goal of improving student and school outcomes and experiences. It also provides a necessary link between the Parish Priest- through both himself and his parent representative, Principal, teachers and the school community.

The SAC works on projects or helps resolve issues within our community. Some of the recent works have included: 

  • providing valuable advice on topical community issues that affect our school 
  • our physical school environment such as facilities improvement and maintenance
  • community building and promotional activities

If you are interested in finding more out about the SAC or applying to be a member, a SAC Prospective Member Brochure can be collected from the School Office. 

Applications close on Wednesday 26th February. Is this the way you can contribute to our school community? 

Current SAC Members

Fr Martin Jeramias (Parish Priest) – ex officio                       Rod Shaw (School Principal)

Sally Thomas (School – Deputy Principal)                             Georgie Mowbray

Ben Cadd                                                                                           Samantha O’Connor                            Andrew Woff                                                                                    Kirsten Haywood

Luke Richardson (chair)     

Wishing the following children a very happy birthday.


Hip Hip Hooray!!

Congratulations to the following students for receiving an award this week.

1/2ARWillowFor a wonderful start in Grade 1. Keep up the great effort.
1/2ARRiverFor always trying his best during all activities.
1/2BBTheodoreFor a great start to the year, consistently listening to the speaker.         Well done!

For a great start. Getting into your writing tasks quickly.                       

Well done! Keep it up!


For being ready to join in with group tasks and learning. 

Keep up the great work!

1/2CWPatrick K

For the wonderful effort your put into your weekend recount. 

Well done!

1/2CWGwenFor your fantastic start to the year and setting a positive example for your peers to follow!
3/4ADJosephFor helping students new to the class settle in and remember class routines.
3/4ADTaleenFor settling well into our class and the St Anne's School Community.
3/4ADHavenFor consistently demonstating the St Anne's values: Be Ready to Learn.
3/4ADThomasFor working hard and writing a great recount of his holiday.
3/4BBTyronFor your quiet kindness and being a considerate classmate to others!
3/4BBPatrickFor fabulous attention to detail and presentation.
3/4BBVanillaFor lovely neat presentation of work and having courage.
3/4BBWilliamFor outstanding focus during mindfulness sessions.
5/6AMMasa For a great start back to the school year.
5/6AMJamesFor his hard work on his sick sentences. Great work!
5/6BDOliverFor his positive attitude towards starting the year in the seniors and his bright smile at the beginning of each day.
5/6BDOscarFor his commitment to his learning and a positive attitude. Well done!

School Disco