Year 5/6
Level Newsletter
Year 5/6
Level Newsletter
It has been another busy fortnight here in the 5/6 level. There was the Kaboom Sports Day, the swimming program, and we took some time out to spread some mulch and help in the Kitchen Garden. This has been a popular activity and it is wonderful to see everyone taking pride in our school. We look forward to continuing with some gardening work throughout the year.
This week we have had the swimming program at Knox Leisureworks. We have all been very proud of the way students have challenged themselves as they learn new skills.
We had been scheduled to have the Project Rockit Cyber Safety incursion during this fortnight, however this has been postponed. We will be able to share what we learn in this session later in the term.
- Caz, Sarah, Jamie and Rachel
Homework: Our fortnightly homework continues! Students are expected to complete 20 minutes of reading every week night, Write2Read (spelling) homework, and a minimum of 2 Maths questions on the provided maths grid. Reading homework is due every Friday, and Spelling/Maths homework is due fortnightly on a Friday. Students need to ensure that they bring their homework back on time to earn House Points.
Annual Consent and Digital Technologies Agreement Forms: If you haven’t already, please ensure that your child’s Annual Consent Form and Digital Technologies Agreement has been signed and handed into your classroom teacher.
10 Cent Recycling Bins: In the hall we have two 10 Cent Recycling Bins that are available if you wish to contribute any 10 cent items for the school collection. Money that is made from the rubbish collection will be donated toward purchasing new sports or gardening equipment.
You just bought 10 trees. You want to plant them in five rows with four trees in each row. How are you going to do it?
On the 17th of February, the Captains had a special breakfast meeting from 8.15am to 8.45am. We enjoyed croissants, chocolate and banana muffins, and a variety of fruit, including grapes, watermelon and strawberries, along with some juice. During breakfast, Mrs Rheumer and Mrs Hartley spoke about the expectations and responsibilities of being a Scoresby Primary School Captain. Mrs Hartley also gave us an inspiring speech about what it means to be a leader at Scoresby Primary School and how we can set a positive example for others. She spoke about how the younger students look up to us for guidance and how important it is for us to be positive role models. We’re all very excited to be a leader in 2025 and will do our best to represent the school values.
By Dante and Eliza
On Monday of Week 5, the 23rd of February, the Year 5/6 students participated in a Water Safety Program. All 5/6s went to Knox Leisureworks. We travelled by bus and, once we arrived, we walked in single file. After unpacking, we took off our wristbands, grabbed our towels and found out our groups. The first session was a test to assess our swimming skills. After the test, we got changed and returned to school on the bus. The program continued the same way until Thursday, the 27th of February. On this day, we had the opportunity to use life jackets and participate in a clothed swim, where we wore clothes while swimming. This helped us understand how it feels to swim in real-life emergency situations. We also practised using life jackets, which was really useful and fun! On Friday, we had a fun day! We went on the waterslides, played basketball, enjoyed the whirlpool, and practised diving. Our instructor split us into groups for different activities. At the end of the day, we took the bus back to school. Swimming this week was the BEST!
By Georgia and Hannah
On Friday, the 21st of February, the badges for Sustainables, DigiTech and SRC were handed out at assembly. Erin Parkin, the School Council representative, had the honour of presenting the badges. The Sustainables team includes Nick, Wil, Sienna, Enicka, Savannah, James, Noah, Ryker, Hayden, and Alyssa. The SRC representatives are Athena, Angela, Georgia, Shianne, Gracie, Aaliyah, Tom, and Heath. The DigiTech team consists of Beaux, Jared, Hannah, Oscar, Rohith, and Kai. These students received leadership roles, which were announced by grade for Years 3-6. The DigiTech team helps with technology and manages the music on stage. The SRC representatives organise fundraisers and free dress days, attend meetings during lunch, and speak at assemblies. The Sustainables team is responsible for looking after the chickens and the garden, running the egg raffles at assembly, feeding the chickens, and managing the compost and recycling bins. All the students looked happy, and there were lots of smiles throughout the assembly.
By Kai, Rohith and Hayden
On Friday the 14th February, the whole school had Kaboom Sports come in and play a variety of fun games with us. It was a fantastic event in the afternoon, giving everyone a chance to relax and enjoy a range of different games. There was putting, soccer, circus activities, spider ball, bib catching, and various throwing games. Everyone had a great time, including all the teachers! Right from the start, the teachers joined in the fun, dancing and enjoying the afternoon on the oval and the Kaboom Sports guides were fantastic and energetic.
By Madison and Alisha