Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
As we published our last newsletter, we were enjoying our Kaboom Sports program. It was a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and enjoy some beautiful Melbourne weather. Students participated in a variety of different activities whilst practising our team building and friendship skills, and some photos are below for you to enjoy.
Today is Schools Clean-Up Day, and we have used this time to remember our environment and ensure that there is no litter in our school. We already try to minimise the rubbish in our school by leaving wrappers inside where possible, only eating under the shade sails, and putting rubbish in the bin straight away (not our pockets). Today we went outside and picked up any litter that we did see so our school can look beautiful for all of us to enjoy.
Our Year 3 students are busy preparing for NAPLAN which starts on Wednesday 12th March. This is a national assessment that all students in Years 3, 5 and 7 do. It is not meant to cause stress or anxiety and this is why we practise writing and answering questions in a NAPLAN format so that we minimise any nerves. So far, our Year 3 students are doing a fantastic job!
Over the last two weeks we’ve been practising our Scoresby Super 10 by remembering to follow teacher directions, use quiet voices, track the speaker and to try hard all the time. We will continue to sharpen these skills over the rest of the term so we are experts by the end of the year. As we settle into the year, we have also discussed what our Green and Red Behaviours are. As a level we have decided that our Green Behaviours include:
Looking after each other
No running or jumping inside
Being kind on purpose
Helping others
Listening to our teachers
Trying our best
Looking after our belongings
Including everyone
Just a gentle reminder that we are still seeking helpers for Reading with our students in the morning, for the first half-hour, and for Breakfast Club on a Wednesday morning. We welcome any parents, grandparents and/or carers that can help, who hold a valid Working With Children check. If interested, please let your child’s classroom teacher know.
Brain food (fresh fruit and/or vegetables) will be eaten at around 9.40am each morning, and children are encouraged to bring brain food and a water bottle into the classroom each day.
For your information, our class timetables include:
3/4F | 3/4H | |
Library | Monday | Thursday |
PE | Tuesday | Tuesday |
Level Sport | Thursday | Thursday |
- Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth, Karen Coster and Samantha Edwards
Please go onto Compass to book a Parent-Teacher interview for your child. These will be held face-to-face on Wednesday 5th March.
Homework is due back on Friday 7th March.
Reading Logs are due every Friday.
Forms: Annual Consent Forms and Digitech Agreements need to be completed and returned as soon as possible. Thank you to those families who have already returned theirs.
Swimming program payment and consent is also due on Friday 7th March.
I am thinking of a number. If you double it and then add 10, the result is 50. What number am I thinking of?