Year 1/2
Level Newsletter
Year 1/2
Level Newsletter
Hello to our fabulous Year 1/2 families!
What a fantastic fortnight it has been in Year 1/2! One of the highlights was the whole school Kaboom Sports incursion, where students had an absolute blast participating in high-energy activities that encouraged teamwork, coordination and lots of fun!
In the classroom, we’ve been busy revising our Write to Read codes and rules, developing our knowledge and skills to support reading and spelling. In Maths, we’ve been diving deeper into place value, building our understanding of numbers and how they work using lots of engaging hands-on activities.
Our Writing focus has been exploring the 6+1 Traits of Writing, helping students develop an understanding of what great writers do. They have developed their ideas, learned about sentence fluency, and how careful word choice can enhance their writing and engage their reader. We've also had lots of fun developing our creativity! In Reading, we have been revising and practising different decoding strategies to help our students break down tricky words.
We have had a very special week in Year 1/2 with two staff birthday celebrations! Tania celebrated her birthday on Tuesday, and our fantastic Mrs. Fox celebrates her birthday today! How lucky to be able to celebrate her birthday on our Code Dress-Up Day!
Parent-Teacher Interviews
A quick reminder to book a time on Compass for a 'Getting to Know You' interview with your child’s teacher. Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday 5th March. This is a wonderful opportunity to check in on how your child is settling into the school year.
Our New Special Friends
This year, Year 1/2 are lucky to have two very special friends joining us — Daisy the Cow and Frederick the Fox! They’re the wonderful class pets of 1/2W and 1/2F, and get to go home with our amazing Scoresby Superstars. Each fortnight, our Superstars will take Daisy and Frederick on exciting adventures, snapping fun photos and writing in their special journals. We can’t wait to see where they go and what they get up to - whether it’s a trip to the park, watching a movie at home, or exploring new places. Daisy and Frederick are already proving to be the cutest and most adventurous members of our classes!
It’s been a wonderful fortnight of learning and fun. We can’t wait to see what the next two weeks bring!
- Kate, Jarren and Jordyn
Communication folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day. We really appreciate your support with this.
High Frequency Words: Help your child to practise their high frequency words each night. They are stored in their blue display folder in their communication folder.
Yellow Reading Log: Record your child’s nightly reading.
Library Bags: Students will need to bring a library bag to school and may borrow one book per week. Wednesday is our level’s library borrowing day.
Art Smocks: Please bring an art smock to school if you haven’t already.
Annual Consent and Digital Technologies Agreement Forms: If you haven’t already, please ensure that your child’s Annual Consent Form and Digital Technologies Agreement has been signed and handed into your classroom teacher.
Try this brain teaser with your family. How many squares are there in this picture?
In Year 1/2, we are focusing on developing Green Behaviours that help us learn and interact positively with others. These include active listening, showing kindness, following instructions, and using good manners. We are also learning to recognise Red Behaviours - those that do not support our learning or the wellbeing of others.
By setting high expectations and reinforcing the Scoresby Super 10, we aim to create a safe, respectful and engaging learning environment where all students can learn their best. We encourage families to discuss these behaviours at home to support their child’s understanding and growth!
On Friday 14th February, the whole school enjoyed an action-packed day at the Kaboom Sports incursion. Students participated in a range of high-energy activities, working together in teams to complete exciting challenges. With music, movement and plenty of laughter, the day was a fantastic way to build teamwork and stay active.
It was wonderful to see everyone giving their best effort and having so much fun!
In Maths, our Year 1/2 students have been exploring Place Value through engaging, hands-on activities. Using place value charts, tens frames and number lines, students have been modelling, reconstructing and rearranging numbers in different ways to deepen their understanding of hundreds, tens and ones.
It’s been wonderful to see our students collaborating and sharing their thinking as they strengthen their knowledge of Place Value.
Today, F-2 students celebrated their learning with a "Dress Up as Your Favourite Code" day! After revising phonics codes, students dressed up as characters representing their favorite codes. Mrs Fox dressed up as a 'birthday girl' for the 'ir of first' code, and Miss Whittington wore a dress with flowers for the code 'ow flowers grow'. We all had such a fun day participating in many exciting, hands-on activities, practising and celebrating the codes!