
Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

The Foundation students have been very busy since our last newsletter. They stayed for their second full assembly, participated in the Kaboom Sports afternoon, and ventured into the Kitchen Garden with their buddies. 


The students have started to practise their High Frequency Words at home, as well as bringing home a decodable book, which they have been very excited about. The words and book support the learning we have been doing in our Literacy block in the morning.


Foundation students are now working on their individualised Rainbow Maths program, and are very proud to explain to visitors what they are practising and the fact that they have their own with their special Maths pack.


Opal the Owl has enjoyed spending the weekend with our Student of the Week and their family. Tracey and I have enjoyed reading about Opal’s adventures in her travel diary when she returns to school.


Induction Ceremony

We are celebrating being at school for one month and becoming official Scoresby Superstars on Friday 7th March. We are inviting parents into the classroom from 2.00pm onwards, during recess, to showcase our learning and have afternoon tea.


I look forward to another two weeks of fun-filled, educational activities.


- Merran


What We Are Learning



  • Communication Folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day.

  • Hats, Art Smocks and Library Bags: Please bring these to school if you haven’t already.

  • Brain Food: Please pack some fruit or veggies for your child to eat each morning during our ‘brain food’ time. We request no ‘drippy fruit’ please.

  • Getting to Know You Interview: Please book a time on Compass for an interview with your child’s teacher. Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday 5th March, 2.00-6.00pm.


Try This...

Do Some Nature Sorting

Have your child gather items from nature and then assemble them into groups based on their similarities. Talk about their shape, texture, colour or smell, and see how the items differ from each other.


Kaboom Sports

The Foundation students had a wonderful time at Kaboom Sports on Friday 14th February. Students worked in teams to complete challenges and it was wonderful to see the older students help the younger ones along the way.



'Dress As Your Favourite Code' Day

The students were eager this morning to show everyone their costume and explain what code they were representing.