School Saving Bonus

School Saving Bonus
Information for Concord School parents and carers
About the School Saving Bonus
The Victorian Government is making life that little bit easier for families by providing a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus. This support will help cover the cost of school uniforms and school activities like camps, excursions and sports.
The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF).
Who receives the School Saving Bonus
The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of all Victorian government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
Accessing the $400 School Saving Bonus
You do not need to apply for the School Saving Bonus.
The Department of Education sent emails in November 2024 with your $400 School Saving Bonus information. You will be able to access it via an online system.
You can decide how to best use the School Saving Bonus for your family's needs. You can choose how to allocate the $400 in the online system.
The bonus can be used towards 2025 school costs which at Concord School include uniforms and school activities such as camps and excursions.
Using the School Saving Bonus for Uniforms
Families who would like to use their School Saving Bonus to assist with the cost of uniforms can do so at our onsite uniform shop. Please call the Bundoora Campus Office on 9467 3972 to make an appointment with Mel. You will be required to provide your School Saving Bonus code from your email.
Using the School Saving Bonus for Activities
Families who would like to use their School Saving Bonus to assist with the cost of school activities such as camps and excursions, families need to log into the below link and allocate the bonus to activities or uniforms:
Concord School admin staff cannot use your bonus for camps and activities unless you complete this step.
Helpful Links
If you have any questions, please contact the Bundoora Campus Office on 9467 3972.