Teaching and Learning 

 Term 1


We can’t believe we are already half was through Term One! The students have been settling into their sections, making social connections and experiencing the different engagement programs. At Concord, we have a number of teaching practices and one instructional practice in particular is in our primary sections who plan Language Experiences. This teaching then guides the students learning for the week ahead.


Last week at Lower Primary, students in LPK were making slime. During the lesson, students were practising turn taking, describing how the slime felt on their hands and noticing the changes in the texture after mixing it together. It was messy and so much fun! 


Our amazing team in the Discovery Centre have created a fantastic space in the MILE Room to support student learning as part of their Discovery Unit. This semester, the Discovery Units explore ‘Identity, Creativity & Wellness’. Once again the MILE room has been designed to not only represent the semester's Discovery Unit but also to offer a calm and relaxing environment that can be used for small groups or individuals as a space to regulate, refocus and reset.



Whilst teachers have been building relationships with their students, they have also been busy collecting data to create individualised learning goals for this Semester. The Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will be shared with families on Friday 14th March via Compass. 


Please follow the steps below to access your child’s Individual Education Plan. If you have any questions pertaining to their IEPs please feel free to contact your classroom teacher or section leader. 


You can locate the IEPs under your child’s profile picture:

Warm regards, 

Flora & Karlie 

Warm regards,


Flora Nixon & Karlie Gooding 

Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning)