From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
Dear Families,
Week 2 already and it is amazing how settled all of the children are. It brings so much joy to walk through the learning spaces and watch the children engaging with each other and the staff. We are off to a great start and I look forward to seeing what the rest of the year brings.
I had hoped to share photos of our new staff last week so you could start to put faces to names - I apologise that this didn't happen but better late than never!
Miss Ha Rin Yoo and Mrs Maheeka Perera
Mr Matthew Madeley, Miss Aimee Jenkinson, Ms Tharushika Mendis
and Mrs Nipuni Anthony
Welcome BBQ
We look forward to welcoming you all at our Welcome Barbecue on Thursday 13th February. As well as our sausage sizzle, we have a coffee van onsite for the purchase of hot drinks and slushies. Bring a picnic blanket, bring some snacks or just bring yourselves - it's a great opportunity for us to say hello, welcome back existing families, meet new families and have a little fun. Please make sure you RSVP via PAM so that we can make sure there are enough sausages to go round. We've tried to keep the form as simple as possible, simply tell us which sort of sausage your family would like and how many, we will do the rest!
We are going to do things a little differently this year, we are asking all families to pop by the classrooms first - the teachers will introduce themselves and share some information with you. Everyone will then be free to socialise!
Cyber Safety Parent Information Session
Cyber Safety is such a large part of our every day conversation and if you are anything like me, you are struggling to keep up with the many and constant changes to technology use that face us today. Just when you think you have mastered one app or website, something new comes along and the children seem to be one step ahead!
For that reason, we have engaged Susan McLean to present to families on Monday 3rd March. Susan is Australia's foremost expert in the area of Cyber Safety and young people. She was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving Cyber Safety and young people. She has conducted extensive research and completed advanced training in both the USA and UK. Susan is now a much sought after presenter and advisor, not just in schools.
Susan's presentation will cover the benefits of technology as well as what parents need to be aware of:
Reality & Risk
What are kids doing online
Exposure to damaging content
Top tips.
Whilst not compulsory, I strongly advise that at least one parent per family attends this important information session. Information will be sent home via PAM and a request for families to RSVP. Susan's presentation is not suitable for children so for families who need assistance with care for their children, we will be showing a movie and providing supervision.
Child Safety - Crossing the road safely
Endeavour Drive is extremely busy at school drop off and pick up time and I need to ask that you are mindful of the importance of keeping all of our community members safe.
The speed limit around the school is 40kph, parents have previously complained that some road users are driving faster than this.
When you are crossing the road, or teaching your children road safety, please take time to remember that traffic won't automatically stop if someone is waiting at the old crossing. Pedestrians need to stop and wait for a safe break in the traffic before crossing the road. Please don't encourage children to cross between parked cars - walking a few extra metres to the old crossing is far safer and all pedestrians can be seen by oncoming traffic.
Mobile phones and smart watches
St Therese's Mobile Phone and Smart watch policy will be coming home soon. If your child brings a mobile phone to school, you are asked to read the policy with them and ensure you both sign the mobile phone parental permission slip.
Smart watches are certainly not banned at St Therese's but their use must be limited during the school day as per the guidelines below. If your child wears a smart watch for school, you are asked to read the policy with them and ensure you both sign the smart watch parental permission slip.
Your support in this area is greatly appreciated.
Don't forget you can keep up to date with news and events happening at the school by following us on Instagram or Facebook!
Have a great week!
Felicity Broughton