Senior School

Moderation Day
Friday 6 September
On Friday 6 September we will be having a Moderation Day in the Senior School, providing an important opportunity for our staff to work with TCE teachers from other schools to ensure consistency of marking. There are no classes in the Senior School on this day and the campus will be closed for all Year 9-12 Students.
Wellbeing Long Weekend - THIS WEEKEND
Monday 9 September
A reminder that Wellbeing Weekend is this weekend. We hope all students, families and staff make use of this long weekend to rest, reconnect and recharge in anticipation of the remainder of the year. Monday 9 September is a staff and student free day and there will be no classes K-12, however, Friends’ Early Learning will be providing care.
Term date information can be viewed on the School’s website here.
TCE Exam Timetable for November
11–21 November, 2024
Students have received an email and should be aware of the schedule for November. Please note that this timetable is managed by TASC, and the School has no input into when the exams take place. Students with clashes in their timetable will be contacted directly by TASC, and arrangements will be made for these students. The TCE exam timetable is available on the TASC website here.
In Term 4, we will share all the information regarding the exam processes and what to do in the event of illness during the exam period. If students need to change email details to receive your results, please follow the link here.
R U Okay Day
Thursday 12 September
Senior School students will be asking each other 'R U Ok' on Wednesday during Long Tutor. Students will be prompted by the R U OK message to identify their key supports as well as how they can check in with friends to help point them in the direction of different supports. A simple conversation and check-in with someone can change lives, and this day is an annual reminder of the importance of regular, meaningful conversations with the people we care about.
To learn more about how to start meaningful conversations to show support around mental health, please visit the R U OK? website.
Middle & Senior School Sports Sign Up - Term 4
Due by Tuesday 10 September
The following sports are on offer for Term 4.
- AFL Girls years 7/8
- Cricket Boys years 7-10
- Orienteering
- Rowing
- Sailing
- Tennis Girls 7-10 and Boys 7/8
- Touch Football
- Volleyball Boys years 9/10
Students have been emailed the information to sign up using Clipboard. Information can be viewed using the following link here. Students must use their Friends’ google account to sign up, which must be completed by Monday 9 September so that further information can be sent out to parents via Operoo.
Art Club
Do you love Art and want to develop techniques and creative thinking? This group offers students the opportunity to extend their art making practice in a number of forms which include, but is not limited to; drawing, paint, photography and sculpture skills. Materials are provided, come and enjoy a stimulating pursuit with people who love Art.
Students from Year 7 to 12 who would like to join co-curricular Visual Arts, should contact Luke Edmunds.
When: Starts in Term 4 - Friday 18 October | 7.30am - 8.25am
Where: To be advised - the new Middle School Art room in Meredith (if completed) or Studio 2, room A302 Senior School.
Spring Music Concert
Wednesday 18 September
6pm- 7.30pm - The Farrall Centre
The evening will feature:
- Years 7-12 String Ensembles
- Years 7-12 Choirs
- The Senior Guitar Ensemble
- The Wind Ensemble
- and much more!
This is not a ticketed event, we welcome all Friends' School community to attend.
Friends’ Certificate - Senior School
The closing date for this year’s Friends’ Certificate and Service Award applications is Monday 16 September. Students must complete and submit their completed CAS Record via the Friends’ Certificate Google Site using the Friends’ Certificate and Service Award Nomination form (Google Form) for their year level.
Students who have already gained their “Clemes Certificate” in 2023 can apply for a 2024 Service Award using the CAS Record template by recording their Service in that section only and clicking yes, or no, in the appropriate boxes in the Google Form.
Any queries should be directed to Karina Churchill, Service Coordinator K-12.
Old Scholars’ Memorial Grant for Year 11 Tuition 2025
Applications for the Old Scholars’ Memorial Grant are now open. The Grant is open to current students, continuing on to Year 11, who have an alumni connection in the previous generations (e.g. parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc). There is one grant of $4,000 towards Year 11 fees in Term 1 2025 for a student who is academically sound, an active participant in the life of the School and strong in service. Applications can be submitted online by Monday 28 October at 4pm.
For more information please contact Adam Chambers.
2024 Service Quiz Night
The Senior School Stewardship Committee and Service Coordinators give thanks to members of our School Community that attended the 2024 Service Quiz Night at The Farrall Centre on Friday 30 August in support of the Year 12 Nominated Charity: Friends of Refugee Communities Tasmania (FORCT).
We give thanks to our Sponsors for their contributions towards the event, and look forward to students at The Friends' School continuing to make a difference by contributing to our local and global communities.
Senior School Office
Please note that the School Office contact details for Years 9 to 12 are as follows:
Phone: 6210 2255
Important Dates
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar