Notes from Liz
The Latest News
Notes from Liz
The Latest News
Term 4 has commenced with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Students and teachers have returned from their holidays prepared to engage in 11 weeks of enriching learning opportunities. We are eager to support your child as they continue their educational journey.
As our Grade 6 students embark on their final term of Primary School and our Little Joey's are preparing to begin their Primary School experience, we will prioritise support for transitioning students and their families to ensure a smooth preparation for 2025.
End of Year celebration details will be shared with families in the next two weeks.
Elmore Field Days
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported our efforts at the Elmore Field Days. We successfully managed 48 shifts at the gates, which is a remarkable accomplishment—thank you to all for your commitment.
A special thank you goes to Becky O'Sullivan for her work in coordinating the roster to ensure all shifts were filled. This event is an important fundraiser that directly contributes to improving play spaces for all children.
Outdoor Spaces – Working Bee
During the holiday period, members of the Parents & Friends Association and the School Advisory Council participated in a Working Bee. The objective of this event was to enhance the green space within our playground and to tidy the garden area adjacent to Campaspe Street. We are grateful to have families dedicated to improving the play environments for our students.
Recognising that children learn and play in diverse ways, enhancing our play spaces reflects our collective commitment to all children.
Thank you for your support!
Pupil Free Days – Term 4
Monday 4th November – Data and Documentation workshops
Tuesday 5th November – Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Monday 9th December – 2025 Planning Day
Thursday 19th & Friday 20th December – End of Year Staff Days
The last day for students for 2024 will be: Wednesday 18th December.
- Dismissal will be 3.15pm
This term, we will streamline our morning email communications to include the following:
- Announcements regarding any changes to the daily routine, including updates on staff assignments if applicable.
- Important reminders for the day.
- A conversation starter for the end of the day from The Resilience Project's GEM chats.
We have one email address associated with each family in our PAM system, and we would like to ensure that all parents receive our communications.
If you would like to have an additional email included in PAM, or if you know someone who is not currently receiving these updates, please encourage them to reach out to us. Our goal is to ensure that all families are informed and engaged.
The following information was sent home as a hard copy with children prior to the holidays, we hope you received this. If not, we have included this in the newsletter, so everyone is informed.
As a part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring that all regional and rural students have access to outstanding Catholic schools, we are partnering with our fifty-five system-schools across the Sandhurst Catholic Diocese to implement the very latest educational research into our classrooms. While some of our staff have studied these advancements in recent years, it is now time to ensure that all our teachers and allied staff have access to the highest quality information and teaching resources available, so that your child receives an outstanding school experience.
The ‘Magnify Sandhurst’ project represents a major investment in the educational experience of your child/children. We are partnering with five national and international organisations across the areas of neuroscience, literacy, the Victorian learning curriculum, the behaviour curriculum, as well as individual professional coaching for our teachers. In a first of its kind experience, and in partnership with our peers across Sandhurst, we are determinedly committed that you and your child/children can experience the very best that education throughout Australia has to offer.
‘Magnify Sandhurst’ will launch in 2025 and to ensure that we can undertake the necessary professional learning with our staff, we will be shifting our usual student-free days.
Term 1
Monday 27th January Australia Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 28-29th January Staff Professional Learning Days
Thursday 30th January Years 1 – 6 students commence
Friday 31st January Foundation students commence
Term 2 (Please note: Students will have three weeks holiday)
Monday 21st April Easter Monday Public Holiday
Tuesday 22-24th April Staff Professional Learning Days
Friday 25th April ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Monday 28th April Students commence Term 2
Term 3
Wednesday 13th August CESL Staff Spirituality Day
Term 4
Tuesday 16th December Students Last Day
Wed 17th December Staff Professional Learning Day
We are committed to keeping you informed about the Magnify Sandhurst project and how it will enhance your child’s educational journey. Over the coming months, we will provide additional resources and information to help you understand our curriculum model and how it will benefit your child’s learning.
Thanks for your support and commitment to learning and community.
Until next time,