Classroom News

Today in Maths we made equal groups. We used counters to make 2 equal groups of lots of different numbers. Sometimes we had counters left over after we shared equally.
Year 1
What did you enjoy about the first week back at school?
I enjoyed playing with my friends and also having lots of fun in the playground. I enjoyed Math, Discovery and all the other good things about school. I liked playing with Audrey and Alena. When we played teachers I liked it. - Abigail
I have enjoyed Discovery, Writing and Reading Groups. I liked playing with my friends during Recess and Lunch. I liked Magic Monday and playing Lego with my partners.
- Liam
I enjoyed playing with my friends, doing Discovery, Writing and Reading Groups. I liked when everybody was very happy to come back to school. - Aiden
I enjoyed Magic Monday and playing with Lego. I really liked Math. - Bruno
I liked playing with my friends. I enjoyed playing with Alena in Discovery. - Audrey
I enjoyed being back at school. I also enjoyed Sport with Evan and my friends. - Alena
I liked Sport this week. We had to run around and play a game with bean bags and tagging. - Valentino
I enjoyed Sport. - Ezra
Year 2/3
Hello Families,
We are off to a GREAT start of Term 4. It has been wonderful to hear of the holiday fun the children have had. I want to say a very BIG thank you to Lauren and Maria for working ever so hard while I have been away. Term 4 is always very fun and busy so I feel refreshed and excited for the fun and learning ahead. This Inquiry unit is going to have a focus on Sustainability and we are going to be getting a class pet. The children do not know what the pet is but here are some clues to generate a discussion. Clue 1: It is small. Clue 2: It is colourful. Clue 3: It will change form as it grows. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
Year 3/4
Today we started our new Inquiry topic about life cycles and sustainability.
The students were able to get out into our garden to plant radish and snow pea seeds. We discussed what a seed needed to grow - soil, sunlight and water. We are looking forward to watching our plants grow and to see the lifecycle of these plants. Thank you Gardening Group for cleaning up the planter box to enable us to plant the seeds.
We planted seeds today and our new inquiry topic is about the life cycle. I am interested in learning about the life cycle and how it connects to sustainability and how the environment works. Sai
I am learning about taking care of the environment and talking about how to keep it safe and not turn into a rouge planet (rotten). Massie
We planted some snow peas and radish seeds today. The radish seeds were blue and very small and the snow peas seeds looked round and like a old pea. Lawrence
We need to water our seeds, so they can grow. Seeds also need sunlight and soil. Ben
We were planting snow pea seeds that were small and white, like old peas and radish seeds that were even smaller and blue. We are learning about life cycles to understand our environment better such as from birth to death. Arvin and VIraj
Year 4 / 5 Gardening on Magic Monday!
On Monday, we went to our garden club and did some gardening. We did some weeding and planting. I was planting some flowers and I was also taking out some weeds. Some other students were watering the potatoes, mint and baby spinach. Other students were just taking out some of the weeds as well. I liked planting some of the flowers. I have always wanted to be part of gardening so I enjoyed planting the flowers and taking out the weeds! Natalie
On Monday, some of the students in the school did gardening, including me! I was picking out the weeds - it might sound boring but it was really fun! Even though it was raining a bit when we were outside, everyone still wanted to do their jobs! I saw the potatoes growing and the plants seemed pretty big. We are also growing baby spinach and mint. I had an amazing afternoon during gardening and I hope the others in my group did too. Callix
On Magic Monday, some of us did gardening. We watered the potatoes and the mint and the other plants. We pulled out the weeds and we also planted some flowers around the Prayer Garden. When the potatoes have grown, we might even get to make some chips! It was a really great time out in the garden and I’m looking forward to next Monday when we do gardening again. Lauren
At gardening time, we cleaned all around the garden area, watered our plants and did some weeding. We have already planted potatoes, broccoli, baby spinach and mint and in a few weeks time, we are going to cook them and make them into meals. It was a lot of fun on Monday and I’m excited for more gardening! Shamus
Year 5 / 6
Olivia Newton John Centre
Today one of our school leaders, Alex Mateski, ventured with his mum, Tania and our school Vice Principal, Antoniette, to deliver a cheque for $ 4 300 dollars! This massive amount of fundraising was due to the efforts of Alex, who recognises that the Centre is close to his heart as both his uncle and grandfather were there when the y were sick with cancer. "I've been gobsmacked by the massive response of everyone at our school. The money raised will help people in need, which is why I wanted to do it".
It has been amazing watching Alex grow throughout this fundraiser. He first floated the idea with Mark a long time ago, spent hours organising the fundraiser, which included involving the whole school participate in a walkathon. Congratulations Alex on making a real difference to those affected by this awful illness. Great work!!