
Book Week was a great success. Dressing-up as magical characters for our photo-board display proved very popular – by the end we had 125 students entered!
The major prize-winners were Lily Sweetten (9B), Olivia Masters (9M), Hayley Watson (9P), Tehya Stevens (9S), and Enid Grech (9E) (group 1), and Isla Fenske (7R), Emma Whitney (7N), and Imogen Lugg (7N) (group 2). Both groups won a large box of Favourites chocolates each to share.
Isla, Imogen, and Emma
Olivia and Enid
The scavenger hunt (find 12 magical items or characters around the library) was also very popular, with 44 students entered in the prize draw. The major prize-winners were Bonnie Mills (8R) and Lola Russo (7U), who won a $30 Dymocks gift card each, and Anisa Salarvand (7B), who won a box of Favourites chocolates. Congratulations to all!
Bonnie Mills
Lola Russo
Anisa Salarvand
The last Book Week activity was a special ‘guess the staff member’ competition. The staff member was Mr Baker, and 13 students guessed him correctly! The prize winner was Edie Forbes (7P) – congratulations!
Edie Forbes
Geelong Regional Library are back once more this term to host more lunchtime games and activities, dates and details are as follows:
- Monday 16th September, lunchtime: Mini teabag art
The library will remain open to all students during this time.
The Premier’s Reading Challenge closed last week, with 36 students completing the Challenge! Congratulations to all – you will be receiving a certificate and pizza lunch next term, and get an entry in the draw to win a $30 Dymocks gift card!
There are new additions to our AudioBook ePlatform:
- The Clockwork Conspiracy by Sam Sedgman
- The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
Students can access the ePlatform via a link on the LibGuides homepage or the library catalogue homepage, look for this icon:
The books listed are also available on our bookshelves.
Book of the Week
Where He Can’t Find You
by Darcy Coates
If you’re not already afraid of the dark, this book may just get you there!
Abby Ward lives in Doubtful, a town haunted by The Stitcher – a decades-old serial killer who abducts people on a regular basis. Sometimes the missing people return – stitched back together with red thread – sometimes sewn together with other victims. And sometimes they are never seen again.
Abby and her friends have come up with a set of rules to keep themselves and each other safe:
Don’t go out after dark
Don’t walk alone
Lock your doors and windows at night
Don’t rely on technology
But one night, despite all their precautions, Abby’s sister, Hope, is taken, and Abby and her friends find themselves in a race against time to find Hope – and solve the mystery of The Stitcher once and for all.
Recommended for Year 8 and above, Where He Can’t Find You is pure nightmare fuel, guaranteed to thrill you – and scare you – the whole way through!
Susan Winfield