A Note from the Board Chair

Last weekend, the Board, the Principal, the Executive Team and some of our senior staff got together to discuss the Strategic Plan for the school over the next few years. Good discussion was had that opened the doors to seeing what our priorities look like for the coming years. It was exciting to be part of discussions that were respectful of our commitment to partner closely with parents.
We would, possibly, agree that over the past years our world has changed dramatically. Many of those changes have impacted the way we do community, family and even, parenting. So, part of those discussions was how do we effectively partner with parents in this new look era?
The feedback by all groups surveyed (Parents, Students, Staff, Association and Board) indicated a longing for connection and involvement in community yet, in an increasingly time poor world, we are challenged with how to do this well.
Our priorities seemed to have shifted. Definitely not for all, but for many. For example, attending Church has shifted post COVID; many families have moved churches, attend less and go for what is often the most convenient option rather than the concerted effort for an invested community life. Another example: being part of clubs and programs but, being selective when it suits us to attend without considering the possible consequences or impact on others in that group. One foot in, one foot out. “It’s what suits me; we are all busy”.
What have our children learned/observed from us through these seemingly subtle shifts in our day to day? Are they learning to contribute their gifts at personal cost? Are they learning the importance of gathering as God's people? Are they exposed to concepts of loving neighbours and serving others? What have your children noticed about your priorities?
I wonder how some of these subtle shifts in our culture, and that of our own family, has impacted our ability to partner effectively with one another as Parents and Teachers? At MECS, we have always emphasised that we are not a service provider where children are dropped off at the school gate to be educated between 9am and 3.30pm (under our individual specifications by the Christian Teachers who must share our specific doctrine).
We are a Parent governed community who hold strong to our freedom to employ Christian Teachers. These Teachers share the belief in our call by God that Parents have the responsibility to raise their children. We lovingly and respectfully enter into a partnership with our Teachers, the professional educators, to help us raise our children.
Our clear distinctives are what bind us as a community:
- We believe in the Sovereignty of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We hold a worldview where Christ is Lord over all.
- Through strong biblical foundations, we explore and expose our children to the world while encouraging and modelling discernment in our approach to the brokenness and with hope for redemption and renewal. We don’t hide from the brokenness; we accept responsibility and work toward renewal.
- We believe God ordained Parents with the responsibility to raise their children in His ways.
As our survey results conveyed, there is a varied understanding and response to these distinctives. Some Parents, Students and Teachers might be more conservative in their approach to their child’s ‘exposure’ to the world while others might be considered more, or too, progressive. These expressions and views are all valid. We come from the same place (refer to the distinctives). Perhaps that’s the criteria we use to decide what church, denomination, grow group we partner with - likeminded people.
For schools this is quite a different matter. There are denominationally governed schools; for example, the Presbyterian Church governs The Presbyterian Ladies College.
MECS was founded as a non-denominational school with the express purpose, vision and mission to be faithful to the distinctives (as articulated above and more clearly in our foundational documents). That is why we are a Parent governed school.
It is the deep hope of the Board (the servants of the Association which comprises of Christian Parents and Teachers) that we develop and sustain meaningful and beneficial partnerships.
If you would like to hear more about how the school is governed by Parents, come and join the Association at the next EGM. We'd love to see you there.
Sue Goudswaard
Board Chair