Special Events

Father's Day Market
On Friday 30 August, we held our annual Father's Day Market.
This day is always such a joy as we watch the Primary students come in with eager eyes, looking for the perfect gift for dad. So excited to have money they can spend on their own, empowering them to make independent decisions to bless their dad and make him smile.
MECS would love to thank the following stall holders for coming to support our Father's Day stalls, giving up time and making a wonderful impact on our community of dads.
- Rebecca Pirie from Popirie
- Mel & Jocelyn Bouma from While They Sleep
- Dawn Taylor from Jewels of Hope
- Jaclyn Knoll from Storehouse Roastery
- Joya Baker from The Joyous Baker
- Our Year 11 Business Management Students, hosting multiple stalls for a class assessment.
Lo-Arna Riches
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
Throughout Terms 2 and 3, the Year 11 Business Management students have been developing a product to sell at the MECS Father’s Day Market.
This process involved conducting market research on their target customers, presenting their ideas in front of an expert panel for feedback, creating the product and finally selling their product at the Father’s Day Market.
There were a range of products for sale including baked goods, personalised mugs, t-shirts, and cookies. Students hoped to break-even but were very excited that all their products sold out resulting in them making an impressive profit.
A portion of the earnings will go to their chosen charity. This was a wonderful opportunity for the Year 11 students to apply what they had been learning in class while also highlighting their own entrepreneur skills and business acumen.
Thank you to all the staff who assisted us in this process, especially Danny Ho and Hayden Tam in accounts, and for all the families who supported the Father’s Day Market. I hope everyone enjoyed their gifts and the time spent with family.
Sharon Payze
Secondary Teacher