From the Principal

Last Thursday night after showcase, I consistently found myself humming the tune to 'Revolting Children', but shouting in my head ... 'They are AMAZING children these are AMAZING times'. What a blessing that we shared that night and last week. God has blessed our children here at Good Shepherd with gifts and talents that shone last week.
Thank you to Miss Bethany McAleer and her work at supporting and encouraging the children to become their best on stage.
I do want to apologise for the ticketing and seating challenges that some of you experienced. As always there are things that we can improve on and this is one area that we will work on for 2025.
God's provision and blessing are evident at the moment for me in many ways.
We are in the final stages of appointing a Curiosity ELC Director.
I am excited to announce that Ms Jo Papa will be joining out staff team as the OSCH Director as of the 23rd of September. Jo comes to us from Queensford College training organisation and with OSHC Director experience across Adelaide.
We look forward to welcoming Jo into our community as she supports children and families with care before and after school with our current OSHC staff. I thank Alysha Gliddon for stepping up in an acting role until that date.
Please pray for Jo as she prepares to transition from her current work place to Imagination OSHC here at Good Shepherd.