Year 4 News

From Georgina, Year 4 teacher

Kids in Space Project

For this project we have engaged in space-themed STEM learning and design thinking. Next week, 6 Year 4 students will represent the cohort and share all the fantastic designs that classes have created on Makers Empire. 


Here is a glimpse of some work:


Layla, Alvina, and Claire - 4C

We are presenting a product that will help humans live on planet Mars. This product is called 'the car of investigation.' This will help find materials and water as well as transport people around Mars. The car will be made of strong and lightweight materials like silicon carbide, titanium, and metallic glass. It will collect, investigate, and explore all things on Mars!

Brandon - 4C

We have been creating and printing 3D designs that can travel up to space, collect research and materials, and help humans live on planet Mars. This is so the next generation can survive there. Our technology is not just for the future; it's for the future of space exploration. We need our technology to help the space program and make it easier for NASA. 

My design is a highly detailed space suit that children can use in Mars. We need these suits to help humans breathe up on Mars, and they are protected from the rays and cold weather. 

Luffy, Tanami, and Maher - 4C

The Year 4s have been designing products that will change the way we live on Mars! Hopefully, one day, these products will actually help us live there. Our chosen design is a food bowl. Normally, food would just float in the air in space, but we can prevent that! We made a space lid! It is a product that traps the food in the bowl so it doesn't float away. There is a lid on top and a tiny hole where the fork can still reach the food. It will be made out of plastic and metal.