Performing Arts News
From Kimalee, Performing Arts Teacher
Presenting and Performing
When students perform at schoo the audience is often class peers or other classes within the school.
Prep performance
Preps have been sharing stories, songs and dances about 'Food Glorious Food'. Many of the Preps were thoroughly entertained when presenting to each other short puppet skits based on a 'picnic' dialogue.
Years 1 & 2 performance
We have had Assistant Principal Adrienne come and watch some of our drumming. Year 1 and 2 students had discussed a piece of drumming music, noticing note values, terms like 'piano' and 'forte', and that the music was in 4/4 time. They practised first by clapping it out and then playing it on the backs of chairs. They sounded wonderful and showed good unison.
We also used the wonderful stage area at the Molesworth Campus to become familiar with the space and acoustics.