From the Principal

Welcome to Term 4 everyone! I hope you had a lovely holiday with your family and friends and are ready to tackle the final stretch of the school year with enthusiasm and determination. This term we welcome 2 new staff members: Ms Lisa Peterson - Year 1/2 Integration Aide and Mr Oli Maurice - Year 5/6 Integration Aide and Out of School Hours Care assistant. They have both settled in with ease and are happily part of the ARPS team!
Term 4 is packed with exciting opportunities, events, and activities including the Year 3 Sleepover, Smart City Expo, Student Wellbeing Day, Melbourne Cup Celebration Day, Year 4 Doxa Camp, Foundation – Year 2 Swimming, School Concert, Transition, Year 6 Special Day, Year 6 Graduation and our big final Reward Day. Our students will continue to engage in their learning while preparing for end of year assessments and celebrations. Let's ensure we support them in making the most of this term. I encourage everyone to stay connected and involved and ensure you are reading newsletters and Sentral communication messages. Your participation and support make a significant difference in our students' success.
Yesterday was ARPS DAY where we celebrated and acknowledged all the work of every staff member employed in the school and kindergarten. I was very proud of our Year 6 student leaders, Hayden, Crystal, Jordan and Chloe who formally delivered a speech at our special assembly, to thank the contribution and efforts of our dedicated staff members. The assembly included a video presentation to thank staff, a certificate of appreciation for each staff member and a special performance by the school band. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the assembly and to everyone in our school community for appreciating the work of our extraordinary staff.
Tomorrow is the Year 3 Sleepover, and the students are very excited to have a night where they get to sleep at school!! Please ensure your child arrives at 6.30pm tomorrow night with their sleeping bag, pillow and blankets. The students are looking forward to the fun group challenges and the movie and popcorn night. The students will also have bedtime stories with their milo and biscuit and then on Saturday morning there will be board games and breakfast (cereal and toast). The school gates will open Saturday morning at 8.30am and children must be picked up by a parent by 9.00am. Please refer to the Sentral notice for full details.
Important Reminders:
1. Sun smart hats are compulsory in Term 4. Please ensure your child has a sun smart school hat at school every day.
2. Breakfast club is for students with working parents or who do not have breakfast at home. Breakfast club commences at 8.00am and for safety reason, students must not be dropped off at school before 8.00am as there is no supervision.
3. Students who do not attend Breakfast Club should not arrive to school before 8.40am. Student supervision before school commences at 8.45am. Students arriving early are not supervised and for safety reasons should not be in the school playground.
Aussie of the Month
Congratulations to the September Aussie of the Month students: Cooper in Year 2 and Stacey in Year 6. Well done!!
The Key Values of Aussie of the Month are:
Fair go: not just how we apply ourselves but also in providing opportunity for all
Mateship: a generosity of spirit and compassion for those in need
Respect: of self, of others, our community, and the environment
Inclusion: acceptance and respect of difference
Carmel Nigro