Things to know

We the community members of Launching Place Primary School acknowledge the traditional owners, the Kulin nations, of the land on which we learn and play.

We pay respects to the Aboriginal Elders, past and present, who are our teachers.

We thank them for taking care of children and country for countless generations.

Community Pantry

Please remember to utilize the resources provided by the Community Pantry located in the school foyer.

Everyone is welcome to help themselves.

  Breakfast Club runs every Wednesday and Thursday from 8.10 - 8.40 (limited menu after 8.30).  All welcome!

Parent helpers are most welcome to pop in and give a lending hand. Thank You To Esme for all your help.

SunSmart policy


Daily sun protection times are forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology for the time-of-day UV levels are predicted to reach 3 or higher, based on location. At these levels, sun protection is recommended for all skin types. In Victoria, UV levels typically reach 3 or higher daily from mid-August to the end of April. 


With the sun starting to peek through it is very likely that we will start experiencing days where the UV levels reach 3 or higher.  Therefore, it is important that the four below measures to help reduce the risk of excessive UV sun exposure are enacted:

  • Shade: Seek shade
  •  Clothing: Slip on sun protective clothing
  •  Hats: Slap on a sun protective hat (remember that broad-brimmed or bucket hats are required)
  • Sunscreen: Slop on sunscreen

Policy Update

The following Policies have been updated and and can be viewed on LPPS website.

The following Policies were endorse and approved by school council

Digital learning,Internet, social media and internet device policy.

Bullying Prevention Policy.

School Philosophy Policy.

Medication Policy.

Asthma Policy.

Anaphylaxis Policy.

Communication Policy.

MCG Experience 5/6 Students

5/6s are having a great tour of the MCG! 🏉 

The Australian Sports Museum is a self-guided experience full of interaction and exploration.



Some snakes local to the Yarra Valley include the tiger snake, eastern brown snake and the red bellied black snake. Of course, there are more snakes that share a home with us and we recommend doing individual research before entering bushland with your pet. Here are some key factors for snake awareness and safety.


Snakes are now out and about in the Yarra Valley so please be aware of your surrounding when you are enjoying the local area.


While at home… snake proof your house as much as you can.
You can’t totally fool proof your home against snakes, but you can help prevent any unwanted visitors. Cut the grass short, cover holes in your grass, under your home or in your home, remove any piles of rubbish, debris or wood and make sure all entrances to your home are secure.

Uniform shop

LPPS is in the midst of changing uniform suppliers. Soon our new supplier will be online. 

The transition should be seamless and we will keep you up to date when this transition is complete. We still have exsisting uniform at school which can be purchased at the school office until we transfer to new company. 

If you have any questions please contact Audrey in the office on 59647783.