TERM 3, Week 5
TERM 3, Week 5
This week in Prep we have been practising addition and subtraction skills. We learnt how to use a number line to make jumps when counting on or back. The children learnt a new game today to practise these skills. We are so proud of the students for trying something new and challenging. They showed teamwork and helped each other to work out the answers.
In writing we have been continuing to use the sky, grass, dirt lined paper to correctly form letters. The letters we have practised are the grass and sky letters such as, 'k and l.' The children have been working very hard to improve their handwriting and the progress that has been made has been outstanding. The children have also been writing out the camera words. We are expanding our sentences to make them more interesting by including a who /what, what doing, when and where. We have been impressed with the effort the children have made in spelling new words and coming up with their own ideas.
In reading, we are continuing to read fairytales which the children are enjoying, especially when they take on the voices of various characters like the big bad dingo! A strategy we are practising this week is stretching out all the sounds in the words. We call this 'the chewing gum stretch.' The children love to look for digraphs, such as, 'll, ss, zz, and ff' in books. We are finding so many now!
The children are very excited for Silly Sock Day and we can't wait to see everyone's socks.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ebonie, Tina and Simone