Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

Dear Families,


I am really sorry to sound like a broken record but I need to raise two concerns again.


Pick Up and Drop off

Please make sure when you pick up and drop off the children that you get out of your cars.

This includes walking them across the road at drop off time. Yesterday we were notified that without reversing cameras on a car a parent would have hit two children.

You can barely imagine the devastation that would happen if any parent hit a child with their car. The safety of our children is our number 1 priority. It is so busy at pick up and drop off times we ask that you cooperate with this.


Pick up time

Our staff are only rostered on for supervision until 3.40pm. This is already 15 minutes past school finishing time to allow for families who may be running late. We ask that you respect that staff have other commitments after this time. No child should be here past 3.40 and we ask that you organise collection before then.  Please don't assume someone is able to supervise your children after this time as there are times when staff need to head off site for meetings. Our administration staff are also not responsible for the supervision of children. If anything, please think of your children who have to sit and wait while all other children have been collected.


We do of course thank all those families who ensure their children safely enter and leave the school and collect their children on time.


On a more positive note, it was wonderful to hear the positive feedback this week about our Grade 5 children whose behaviour on camp was exceptional. Thank you to staff as well, who take the time away from their own families to enable camps to happen.


With thanks and wishing you all a wonderful weekend






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