Respectful Relationships

Emma and Chloe (Grade 6) with Ruby and Bea (Grade 1) at a friendship lunch

BBPS is a Lead School for ResilIence Rights & Respectful Relationship, and this semester, as teachers have been working through the RRRR curriculum in classrooms, we have been looking closely at Topic 7: Gender and Identity. With Australian data highlighting a lack of knowledge around how to prevent, seek help or intervene in situations of gender-based violence, there remains a critical need to teach our students about the causes and consequences of gender inequality as we work towards violence prevention. This learning takes place at a whole school level, highlighted here. 


Junior School Prep:


The RRRR curriculum begins as soon as the prep students begin school. Consent education at a prep level looks closely at fair play, sharing space and keeping our bodies safe. The Boundaries Song has proven popular and effective with our prep students, having learnt the words and signing it often, but the sessions we have had unpacking what it means have been the most valuable.


The Boundaries Song - That’s a Boundary “I am learning to set healthy boundaries” 



Here is what Harriet (PCW) and Skye (PW) had to say:


Can you tell me about the song you learned? 

H: We learnt this song so we’d know more about boundaries and not “popping people’s bubbles”.


Why do you think this song is good? 

S: It’s good to learn about people’s boundaries 

H: It’s fun.

S: It’s a fun song to sing. 

H: Yeah. 

Do you like this song? 

H+S: Yeah, we really like it, we love it. 


How do you think this song can help? (School/life)

H: It helps you not hit or bother people and if someone is bothering you, you can sing it. 

S: If someone does something that someone doesn’t like they should stop immediately, and this song can help with that.