Mini School Updates

Junior School Update
Grade 6 Transition Day Success
Earlier this term our future Year 7s had the opportunity to experience high school life during our Grade 6 Transition Day. We were thrilled to welcome 225 Grade 6 students from Primary Schools near and far that are considering attending Lowanna College next year. The students engaged in various activities that introduced them to the high school environment, met some of their future teachers, and experienced some of the classes they will take next year. They also enjoyed some lunch time activities, with the Music Department putting on a lunch time concert, the Science Team offering the chance to participate in static electricity experiments and VET Sport and Recreation students and the PE Department running games in the gym. We were thrilled to see their enthusiasm and readiness for the exciting journey ahead. We look forward to seeing our 2025 cohort again for Statewide Transition Day in December.
Book Week Celebrations
Our annual Book Week was a fantastic success! Students from all year levels participated in a range of activities, including the ever-popular Book Week Dress Up Day Parade. Each year we have more students participating in the parade. It was wonderful to see the creative costumes and hear the excited chatter about costumes inspired by favourite books.
Year 8 Excursion – Gippsland Aquatic Centre & Jump and Climb
As part of our alternative camp program, Year 8 students recently took an exciting trip to the Gippsland Aquatic Centre and Jump and Climb. The day was filled with team-building exercises, water activities, and lots of laughter. This is the third day trip in our alternative camp program for 2024, with a trip to the beach at Phillip Island, including a surfing lesson, to come in Term 4. As always, thank you to the staff that volunteered to attend the excursion, ensuring that it was a fun day for all involved.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Next Week
A reminder to all parents that our Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held this week. GPA’s will be released prior to the conferences, GPA’s provide a valuable insight into your students learning behaviours. This is an important opportunity to discuss your child's progress with their teachers. Please make sure you book your appointments online via Compass. If you need assistance, feel free to contact the school office on 5127 9200.
We look forward to a productive and engaging end to the term and hope all families enjoy a well-earned break!
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School Update
Term 3 has been a busy time for our Year 9 and 10 students. Earlier in the term our Year 10 students completed work experience, with students having a fantastic time and learning some valuable skills in the workplace! Some of our Year 10 students also completed a Barista and Food Handling Course which helped them gain key skills and experience that they can hopefully use in their future endeavours.
In Week 7, our Year 9 students completed their Morrisby Assessments. These assessments are used to determine where students’ strengths and skills may be and provides them with information on which future pathways may utilise these strengths. In the first week of Term 4, students will have a Morrisby Unpacking Interview with one person from our Careers Team, where they will go through their results and look at which future careers might suit their current strengths and skills.
On the 22nd of August, the school enjoyed Book Week Dress Up Day. It was great to see some of our Middle School students coming in costumes and participating in the parade. The Middle School Team also took great joy in dressing up in the theme of ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
I ask all students to aim for 100% attendance for Term 4. While we understand there are circumstances such as illnesses or family issues that are unavoidable, absences impact highly on student outcomes. If your student needs to be absent, please enter the absence on Compass or inform the school by contacting Middle School on 5127 9246.
On behalf of the Middle School Team, we hope that all students have a great end to the term and enjoy their school holiday break!
Daniel Board
Middle School Leader
Senior School Update
Somehow, we find ourselves at the mid-way mark of September and at the end of another term. For both Year 11 and 12 students, this means they are fully in the midst of finalising assessment items for units as they head towards the end of term. Another round of GPAs have been released and there are Parent Teacher Interviews taking place on Thursday evening and Friday. We encourage all students and their parents to engage with these opportunities for feedback and use any information shared to reflect not just on the final grades/scores but rather on each child’s academic progress and growth. A student’s intelligence is changeable, and focusing on growth has a very positive impact on student learning. Hard work and a willingness to persist when facing academic challenges are the keys to success for all students, and emphasising learning progress rather than grades/scores is a simple - but powerful - way to support student learning.
Speaking of our Year 12s, we are on the final stretch of their 13 years of schooling, and we encourage all of them to make the most of their final weeks at school. We are looking forward to offering our Year 12s a variety of ways to create some fun, unforgettable and lasting memories of their time here with a range of events and activities. This term students have held a range of activities to raise funds for their end of year activities. Next term we will have congratulatory assemblies, a Celebration Day and farewell lunch and Graduation Evening.
It has been pleasing to see a high number of students enrolling and participating in revision lectures that are scheduled during the September holidays. There are some free revision lectures running at Federation University, Churchill in the first week of holidays and we encourage all students to make the most of this valuable resource. Practice exams are also running in the first week of the holidays. All Year 12 students studying a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject are required to attend these. In recognition of the complex lives of teenagers, we have made it so that students can attend any time slot that suits them to complete an exam. This is to provide a final opportunity to practice and further develop their skills in sitting exams under exam conditions. These exams are a valuable chance to get some feedback and understanding of areas that may need revision. All students studying a Unit 3 and 4 subject have also received a copy of their official VCAA exam schedule. Please contact the college if you require another copy of this.
Our VCE-VM students are working hard towards finalising their studies, and it was wonderful to see the fruition of a significant period of planning, preparation and hard work at the Fete on Thursday afternoon. The great vibes and success of this event is a credit to the team of staff and students who have worked diligently to bring an idea to life. After some reflections on the event, we look forward to seeing how this continues to grow and develop in subsequent years.
A significant number of our Year 11 students are busy finalising their dance steps, dresses, accessories and bow ties for the Deb Ball at Gumbuya World. This is a great opportunity for students to socialise outside of the school setting and is always one of our most anticipated events. The Debutante Ball is always a wonderful evening for students and their families that provides many ‘feel-good' moments for all in attendance and I am sure the event next week will be no different.
Our Year 11 students are encouraged to engage with the leadership opportunities that are being presented for next year. We will soon be opening applications for 2025 College Captains. This process involves submission of a written application, followed by an interview, a presentation to the whole College community at an assembly and then voting by peers and teachers. This is an amazing opportunity to develop as a person and a leader in a students’ final year of school and to leave a lasting legacy of their time here.
Finally, I wish all our students and families a safe and enjoyable holiday. I encourage our students to study hard and prepare as well as they can, but also find some time to take a break and enjoy the (hopefully!) sunshine-y weather that should make an appearance with the arrival of spring!
Key Dates
Tuesday 22 October
Year 12 Farewell assembly Wednesday 23 October
Last day of Year 12 classes
Thursday 24 October
Celebration Day
Tuesday 29 October
Year 12 English exam
Tuesday 19 November
Last day of Year 12 (Unit 3 and 4) exams Friday 22 November
Graduation Evening
Thursday 12 December Year 12 Results released Wednesday 18 December
College Awards Evening
Nicole Taylor
Senior School Leader