Year One

Marvellous Minibeasts 

As part of our current unit of inquiry, 'Minibeasts play an important role in our world', we have been exploring different types of minibeasts.


To begin our unit, each class created their own Code for Caring, outlining how we will care for and look after minibeasts at school. 


In our inquiry lessons each week, we have delved into wonderful worms and slimy snails. This week, we will be inquiring into amazing ants. Throughout this exploration, we've gained insights into their features, behaviour, habitats, and the roles they play in our ecosystems. Our learning journey has been both exciting and enriching.


During our writing lessons, we have actively been transferring and consolidating our knowledge. This involves identifying and understanding technical vocabulary, creating word walls, recording labelled diagrams, and writing fact files.


We are excited to share what we've learned and the photos we've captured during this unit. We look forward to continuing our minibeast adventures. 


Student reflections:

Ariana - “worms make burrows and they’re very cool”

Khadija - “slugs are sticky and slimy”

Gabriel - “snails breathe through a whole in their body”

Charlie S - “worms have bristles which are like hair that helps them move”

Sara - “if you cut a bit of a worm, it can grow back” 


The Year One Team

Emma Gallagher, Sarah Groves, Jemma Strbac Low, Carole Upton and Nicola Veneris