
‘Kids say the darndest things’. Is a saying that we’ve all heard. But when our own children utter expletives it can become rather a shock to us.
When very young children swear, it because they are repeating what they have heard. They are just learning language to communicate and will mimic any word they can to develop their verbal skills. As they get older they will use swear words that they may not realise are offensive.
We invite you to watch this week’s, well researched, SchoolTV video (6.41 mins) regarding swearing/cursing.
This week’s SchoolTV topic is Respectful Language
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 7 - Respectful Language
WEEK 6 - Social Media Influencers
WEEK 5 -
Cyberbullying &
Cyberbullying Special Report
WEEK 4 - Social Media & Digital Reputation
WEEK 3 - Body Image
WEEK 2 - Grief & Loss
WEEK 1 -
13 11 44
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader